Okay, so I download Ubuntu live and burn it to a cd. I stick the cd in the drive of the computer that has the data that I am trying to recover (computer lost power when XP was shutting down, so XP got messed up) and it load to ubuntu live just fine. But when I go to "My Computer" only the cd-drive is there. If I try to boot to XP it shows the XP loading screen and the randomly reboots (If I do that and walk away it starts a never ending reboot cycle), so I know for a fact the drive is plugged in correctly and powered. It shows up in the Bios in the first SATA slot. But no matter what I do, it won't show up. I have tried typing "fdisk -l" and "sudo fdisk -l" into terminal, but absolutely nothing happens; it acts like nothing was typed in at all. Any ideas as to why the hard drive which seems to be working won't show up in Ubuntu?