Ubuntu won't start

Roie Shalom

Oct 30, 2014
It worked well so much time, but recently, when I turn on laptop:





When you say x is 1,2,3... until what number shall I kept on the count until I decide my HD is fake?
+I have made a live usb. Now how do I use it? tried google it but I only find how to do it on win or properly working system.

The "x" are your partitions. If you wish to see what numbers there are...after booting with the flash drive type in a terminal sudo fdisk -l (as in lower L). This will list all the partitions, including the USB. Your hard drive will be sda(1,2,3...)

To open a terminal type ctrl+alt+t
sudo fdisk -l
fsck -a /dev/sdaX


When you installed Ubuntu you used a live dvd or live usb, either will work. If you no longer have what you used then make another by either burning an ISO image of Ubuntu onto a DVD or installing the ISO image onto a flash drive.
When in the BIOS was your USB plugged in and did the BIOS see it? ie was it a boot option? If not, check and see if there is a + next to harddrive and if yes click it and promote your USB.
Are you sure the image was installed rather than copied to your USB? How did you install it?

I followed instructions in google and made a liveusb by installing a .iso file into the usb. Ubuntu was installed on the laptop when bought it, so I have no liveusb (I did installed later win 7, than back to ubuntu, I used installation cd, but I already made a live-usb).
The bios see my disk on key, his manufactour written there in the boot options. Two options in boot:
LEGACY boot- with 4 options- I choose usb
and UEFI boot- with only option: (EFI USB1 PATH1 (SANDISK CRUZER BLADE).
What am I doing wrong?

Update- I did it! I'm inside, I'll update, right now checking disc for defects (one of the options that featured there).
2 files with errors found, now I'll try to check what you told me.
So I did the partitions checking first , I'm using sda 1,2 and 5.
Then did the fsck check on each one.
On 1 and 2 it writes in reply- "permission denied while trying to open....you must have r/w access to the filesystem or be root.
On 5- fsck.swap not found.
error 2 while executing fsck.swap...

What does all of that mean?

What you downloaded is the stand alone version. After unzipping it go to the folder where the files were unzipped .

cd /where/you/unzipped/testdisk-7.0
and run
sudo testdisk_static

what I get in this case:

sudo: testdisk_static: command not found
Using the gui navigator (folder icon) and go to the testdisk-7.0 folder that you unzipped. You should see the file testdisk_static. Right click it and select properties. Copy the location and then open a terminal and paste (shift + ins) that after cd ie

cd /location/of/file

the command line will now read $/location/of/file

type sudo testdisk_static

Accept defaults and you'll get to a point where is has an option p to list files then c to copy them, follow their instructions at the cg site.