I've disassembled the PC, assembled it in a new case, disassembled again, assembled in the old case, disassembled again, assembled, disassembled again and reassembled in the new case again.
I had no issues up to the last part, when I got the message "UEFI defaults have been loaded".
The time and date were wrong, but when I got to the BIOS they were the hour and date I had either installed the motherboard in the case or installed the RAM and the graphics card.
I've set the settings as they were in my previous profile (the profile is also there) and the system booted normally.
What could have caused this on the final assembly since it didn't happen before ? All I did was clean the hardware before the final assembly.
I had no issues up to the last part, when I got the message "UEFI defaults have been loaded".
The time and date were wrong, but when I got to the BIOS they were the hour and date I had either installed the motherboard in the case or installed the RAM and the graphics card.
I've set the settings as they were in my previous profile (the profile is also there) and the system booted normally.
What could have caused this on the final assembly since it didn't happen before ? All I did was clean the hardware before the final assembly.