ugrading my pc conf.


Dec 17, 2014

I want some advice for upgrading my pc....

My present conf.:

Intel motherboard
Intel(R) Core(TM) Duo CPU E4600 @ 2.40GHz
Ram: DDR3 2GB
32-Bit OS
Graphic: NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS (512MB)

I want to ugrade it with the folowing:

Ram: DDR3 4GB(slot1)
Monitor: AOC Led d2367 ph 3d monitor
Graphic: 2GB

Which product should i go with for the above categories
Which graphic card should i go....?
Which usb hub ?
Mainly i used for watching HD movies and playing games....

Plz advice me....n suggest 4 d best 1
id suggest getting ebay parts i mean low budget means ebay , whats the point of a 3d monitoe if you dont have enough gpu power for one , also ddr3 ram ????? most mobos support ddr2 also your gpu is rubbish so much to upgrade .

i reccomend a pc upgrade

intel pentium aniversary edition cheap get a cheap mobo

get 8gb ddr3 ram stick with your psu if its any good

and get a cheap gpu e.g. gtx 560 , but i can say this for sure the onboard graphics should be better than what you have now the nvidia gpu is very outdated
It all depends on your budget and for the graphics card it will depend on your PSU as well.

RAM should be one that operates at the same voltage and frequency your current one does.

Graphics card... without knowing your PSU and budget it's hard to tell, assuming a generic PSU I wouldn't go with anything bigger than a Nvidia GTX 750 Ti.

yea but he has a core 2 duo a gtx 750 ti would be bottlenecked massively

what is your budget?

apprx. Rs 5000 /- for graphic, Rs 2500-3000 for RAM, Rs 1500-2000/- for hub.... Overall Apprx. Rs 25000/- including all....


what do you mean by hub?

USB HUB 3.0 (extra usb port)

Of course it will be bottlenecked, still it will be a huge improvement from his 8400GS, ideal would be an entire new build like you say but it seems it's budget won't allow it to do that yet, this way he can later reuse the GTX 750 Ti when he goes for a new system.

ok .. your budget is 25000

give me some minutes.. ill prepare you a list

okay....I'm waiting for your reply.....!!!!!!!!!!!!

how much PSU do i require for
Gigabyte GA-B85-D3H Mobo, AMD FX433 processor, DDR3 8GB RAM, ZOTAC NVIDIA GTX 750 or Sapphire AMD/ATI Radeon R7 260 X, 1TB HDD.

and with AOC Led d2367 ph 3d monitor will go good..?

I hv 450W PSU Intel DG33FB Core 2 Duo v 2 change it all....?

old psu will work

thank U :) :)