UK Man Wins Curiosity, Finds Out What's Inside the Cube

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No surprise here, Molyneux is a colossal idiot and has always been, He clearly just didn't think this through enough to even predict something like this happening.

While it may suck for people who have been clicking/tapping at it for weeks/months, nobody knew beforehand what they were tapping for... could have been nothing, could have been junk.

IMO, this is one way just like any other to hire a random person to potentially steer gaming in an unexpected direction - which the gaming industry sorely needs IMO.

Idiot? I think that was a brilliant (though risky) idea.
@ Filkobe
I think you completely miss the point of the game, it's a social experiment. Much like in real life there's a risk factor and the most experienced player doesn't always win. Just because the man doesn't design a game around a set of just rules doesn't make him an idiot by long stretch. Non-zero game, it's not about the winning, it's about perpetuating a transformative evolving entity. Try reading Hess' Glass Bead Game then post a thought.
Update > Blazmo News Service, May 28, 2013

Quote >" Bryan Henderson, long awaited winner of Peter Molyneux's enigmatic Curiosity contest, speaking from the Godus Universal Magisterium near Pertwee, Scotland today released an outline of the new game of which he will be the sole designer and judge. Henderson won the six month Curiosity game which required the elimination of five billion cubes from a virtual box. Henderson happened to eliminate the final cube after only one hour's play.

Henderson's new game, details to be released in August, "SimBasement Cubed" is played by a sole warrior called "Bryan" armed with "laundry tickets" and "crown lotteries" to win "alienation armour" and "stigmata coupons" to buy "virtual sofas" and "god pizzas". Every virtual sofa allows Bryan to score "God Points" that allow hacking into "SimMoD computers" to launch simulated missiles at former schoolmates, thereby destroying their computer hard drives.

Industry analysts have already criticized the potential monetization, public interest, and consequential profits of "SimBasement Cubed" given that Henderson will be the only player and therefore the only possible winner. Analysts now question the wisdom of creating a "God" and an investment of £15M based solely on Henderson's admitted one hour's manipulation of a 3D Pac Man style test. " < End Quote

I wonder if three GTX 680's in SLI will be the right choice for "SimBasement" or should I buy two Titans?

@iCraft No, Tom's fail for ruining their comment section. I just don't understand the poor decisions that gave us the shtako we have in place now.
This has got to be one of the worst YouTube videos I've ever seen. He took an interesting topic and made it incredibly boring.
Back to watching dramatic cat videos,

its called indi gaming.
games that are more like a precision sniper than a shotgun that most of the industry tries to do.

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