UK shops


Feb 26, 2005

I am currently helping a friend in UK with a PC, but my problem is, that I do not know what good shops there are in UK with good prices, hope you could come up with some 😀

Kind regards

Sebastian Aslund is quite good they used to do dirt cheap delivery.
I would be wary of overclockers they have some good deals but If anything goes wrong they dont pick up the phone and I dont think they have an email ad.

EDIT>they do have an email but my friend had a problem with them about a year ago and they didnt answer the phone. But things seem to have turned around now, and they seem to be the cheapest.
I have a friend coming down fm the UK to India next month and was hoping she could pick something for me. NOw since I am paying just wanted to make sure that the stuff i am paying for is cheaper there than it is here :)

I have an AMD64 3000+GIgaK8N51GMF mobo with 512MB Transcend and a 80GB Hitachi. is an indication if the prevalent rates in India.

My question is
a.)Are these prices higher/lower when compared to UK? i mean, usually in India, I can knock off a coupla hundreds on the prices mentioned on a webpage. Do shops sell/offer to sell at a lower price?
b.)COnsidering the conversion factor of 1GBP= 85INR 8O and my budget not being very high, what will I get for say about 30GBP???

I found this
but I aint no overclocker so.........
I also found pen-drives but a 512MB costs abt 1000INR which was almost on par but a 1GB appeared to be a good bargain

Any advice/suggestions will be greatly appreciated.