UK Supermarket Drops Price of Wii U to £149

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SNORE. Boring console, boring games, ridiculous controller.
I guess Nintendo are finally discovering casuals are not as loyal as the 'real' gamers they've been ignoring.
Same thing happened after the N64 launched; the initial price was far too high
(250 UKP, vs. 165 UKP equivalent in Germany). Thousands complained; the
distributor THE Games was forced to give compensation in the form of various
free games & extras (I received Mario kart, but others were given a lot more -
seemed to depend on who one talked to at THE.G and how loud one shouted).

It's the classic UK retail disease: selling something for how much a company
thinks the public is willing to pay, irrespective of what the price could easily be
while still offering a good profit margin.

Alas, consumers here seem happy to pay over the odds for all sorts of things,
typically 50% more than what a US consumer would tolerate. It's always been
this way. US citizens on holiday here must get a bit of a shock...

Btw, senior person I knew at Nintendo at the time told me distributor pricing
was out of their hands, ie. it wasn't Nintendo's doing, or the end-of-the-chain
shop, it's the middleman distributor. Until the N64 pricing debacle, most people
had never heard of THE Games.

its like the wii... i will buy it, use it to play some games, mostly nintendo's origional titles. avoid the rest liek the plauge since nintendo lets so much shovelwarwe through that it is not worth even trying to find the one or two diamondc in the fields vallies and mountains of rough
90% of normal non video game nerds I talk to think the wii u is a new controller for the wii. Most of these are older women I work with that have wiis for their kids. I have to assume thats a bad thing if most of your loyal customers dont even know you have a new system out.
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