Ultra Wide 21:9 on youtube?

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Aug 27, 2015
Just a little question, how will it look when you record a video on a ultra wide monitor and then watch that video on a normal widescreen monitor? Will there be black stripes on the top and bottom, or is the monitor split up in two and only record on one side of the screen?
It depends on video capture settings you use but pretty much every capture software supports capturing the entire screen at ultrawide resolutions.

If you upload a video in ultrawide resolution to youtube, viewers with regular widescreen monitors will get black bars above and below the video when they view it - it would be like watching a movie in anamorphic widescreen.
It depends on video capture settings you use but pretty much every capture software supports capturing the entire screen at ultrawide resolutions.

If you upload a video in ultrawide resolution to youtube, viewers with regular widescreen monitors will get black bars above and below the video when they view it - it would be like watching a movie in anamorphic widescreen.
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