Question Unable to batch copy to an exFat drive ?

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Feb 17, 2016
I have just recently gotten a exFat flash drive and I tried to bulk copy 2 folders. The target flash drive showed the folders rec'd, and both folders showed content file titles but they were all empty. I tried this several times with the same result. On a whim, I tried copying 1 folder. The target flash drive showed the folder rec'd and file contents listed, but this time the files were fully functional. So, copy 1 - yes, copy 2-no. I'm not a techie so I don't understand if I have a problem or if I'm doing something wrong. Windows 10 PC.
Thanks, Titan for your reply. Yes I was given a link to a test program that confirmed that my 2 drives are, indeed fake. For other forum members:

You may have a fake Flash drive - a tool like GRC's ValiDrive should be able to check this for you.
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