Unable to connect to only 1 wifi network


Jun 12, 2015
Hi guys. I have windows 8.1. I have never had problem with connecting to wifi network at work. Today however problem appeared. In the morning I was able to connect to it, then about an hour later I connected to battle net and I got disconnected from internet. Since then I have limited connection issue with work wifi. Then I tried other wifi network that I can catch from work and it works just fine. I tried my mobile phone and with it I am able to connect to both work wifi and public wifi just fine. I tried rebooting eifi router,laptop, did not work. Tried checking my ipv4 and 6 network settings and I have dynamic ip as I should have. Any thoughts please? Thanks.
P.S. playing games in my work is not a problem, have been doing it for almost a year and manager knows about it and is ok about it. I work at game store and other stores do it as well.
If RealBeast's suggestion doesn't work, there's also a chance your machine was blacklisted... you might need to talk to IT to have them verify your machine wasn't added to the list of machines not allowed on the network. This could be for a variety of reasons... site you went to, detected virus-like activity, etc., so IT would (should) be able to remove it, as well as tell you why it got in there. (If a virus-like activity event set it off, I'd make certain to run a full scan before doing anything on that network, just to be on the safe side... you don't want your IT department getting irritated because they have to keep removing your computer from that list.)