Question Unable to connect two PCs via switch/bridge


May 18, 2010
I am implementing a new PC. So to facilitate file transfer from my old PC to the new one, I set up the new PC via ethernet cable to a switch in the same room that my old PC is connected to the same switch. Simple enough.

Both PCs connect to the internet.
Both PCs are connected to the same subnet and range of IPs but they have distinct IPs.
I have set up all the usual parameters for networking on both PCs.
I can see and connect to two other network drives on the old and new PCs without problems but the network drives in question are not connected to this same switch.
The switch in question is connected to my router which is connected to my cable modem.
My new PC cannot see my old one, and vice versa, the old one cannot see the new one.
Both PCs have the same antiviral software (Webroot) and Malwarebytes. I have tried disabling it on both PCs to no effect.
Both PCs are running Win 10 Pro with all the latest updates.
I have tried rebooting the router: no effect. I have rebooted both PCs: no effect
I tried restarting the switch also: no effect.
When i run the networking troubleshooter, it states that security software may be preventing the connection but I have investigated that. I even turned off Windows firewall.
Both PCs are logged into the same Microsoft account.

I have spent hours on this. I feel like it may be the switch, so i ordered a new one to arrive today. Is there something about networking two PCs via the same switch or bridge that I am not considering?

Thanks for your help.
Do you have network discovery on for both machines?
Are you using "name/password" as connection method or are you letting windows decide (thingy)?
Are both PC in the same workgroup?

Alternately, if you can see the network attached storage from each machine, use it to transfer to and then from.
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I have network discovery on both PCs.
I'm not sure what you mean by "name/password" connection method?
Both computers are part of WORKGROUP workgroup.

I could use the network drive but wouldn't that take TWICE as long?
I just tried an experiment.
I took the new PC off ethernet and connected it to the network via WiFi.
There is still no connection between the two PCs: old on ethernet, new one on WiFi..
Both PCs can still connect to other network drives.

Wow. So it's not the switch?
There is an option in Network and Internet settings (somewhere) that opts for "let Windows decide" on settings, or you can choose to use name/password to connect to the other PC. Basically use the sign in from the other PC for access. I use the latter as the let Windows decide option is often fraught with various issues.

I cannot handily access a W10 PC to see exactly what they are ATM.
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i finally solved the problem.

First i went to Credentials Manager and entered a set of credentials for the new PC.
Then I made sure that the credentials I entered were correct. I even changed my credentials on the new PC to match (ha ha).
I rebooted the new PC.
Immediately I noticed that the new PC was visible on the old PC.
When I clicked on the new PC from the old PC, I was asked to login and the login worked.

However, when I went to the shared drives, i got the "you do not have permission" error.
I then went to and followed the directions in Method 1.
I rebooted the new PC and immediately I could browse to the shared drives on the new PC.
Ok. So I just proceeded to UNsolve the problem.

I switched from wifi to ethernet on the new PC.

Immediately I got the "you do not have permission" error when I tried to access the shared drives.

I tried Method 2 and Method 3 at the link above. No change.

So I decided that wifi access was better than no access. So i disabled ethernet and enabled wifi again.

Unfortunately, same error.

I then UNdid Method 3 above because that was really the only change.

I rebooted.

Still no change.

So although I can now see the shared folders, it says I do not have permission.

I went over everything with a fine tooth comb.
I installed a new network switch.
I rebooted my router via it's software interface.
Still. The new computer was not visible to the old one.

So I did a Network Reset on the new PC.

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