Question Unable to Format HDD after cloning to SSD

Apr 27, 2019
Hi there!

Just bought an SSD and cloned my old HDD over to it.

Did a test with the SSD only and everything runs great.

However, when I go to format my old HDD in the Windows 10 "Create and Format Hard Disk Partitions" the option to format any part of the old disk is greyed out.

I want to make my old HDD storage only and for other programs that don't need to be on the SSD like my Steam Games but I need to get all the old stuff off of it first.

Any help in getting Windows 10 to let me do so would be much appreciated!

Even with Easus, which I used to clone I still can't get rid of this.

This is what my Disk Manager looks like and the easus messgae:

(Please click the full imgur album, the forums tagged my gyazo snapshots as spam for some reason)
Disk 0 is the one I am trying to nuke.

I used the manual override to delete the other partitions but even the override couldn't get rid of this second "OS" partition I don't need.

Not sure what's up... Nothing seems to work.
Drive containing partition E: is your HDD. Right?
You can not remove/format E: because it contains page file.
You have to reconfigure virtual memory settings and move page file to a different partition ( C: - obviously).
(ControlPanel\System\Advanced System Settings\Advanced\Performance\Settings\Advanced\Virtual Memory\Change)