Unable to update or download anything..or use email


Nov 23, 2012
Finally, my Outlook also doesn’t work. I get the following error message:
Task email address - Receiving' reported error (0x80040900) : 'The server name you entered cannot be found on the network (it might be down temporarily). Verify that you are online and that the server name is correct.'
: ) Definitely connected to the web. I can navigate to any site and download programs to my desktop. The issue occurs when I download a file that must retrieve additional information from a website. The Outlook and this issue have been longstanding and originated when my motherboard went. Now I can only run 64 bit programs and thus my Outlook no longer works. The latest Adobe Flash update however now prevents me from viewing my webmail and online videos.
Finally, after a year I was able to use the following fix to update my windows:
Windows Update error 80246008 (http://windows.microsoft.com/en-GB/windows-vista/Windows-Update-error-80246008)

Sadly I am stuck with the same Outlook and adobe flash issues!

Please help!!!!