[SOLVED] Unacceptable performance from 1070ti

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Sep 30, 2018
I recently "upgraded" my GTX 970 to a Zotac 1070 ti mini and I've seen a performance decrease in most/all cases.

Setup is as follows:
1070ti (zotac mini)
i5-7600k (factory clock speed)
16gb RAM
1920x1080 Asus VG278Q

I usually play Fortnite and I noticed right off the bat that I gained almost nothing from the upgrade. I did a clean uninstall of all graphics drivers using DDU, restarted, then reinstalled GeForce experience and the latest 411 GeForce drivers.

In AC: Origins, I ran a benchmark on ultra, AA on low, and I'm averaging just over 35FPS. During the benchmark, it was showing GPU usage at around 50%? I'm not sure how to monitor this or how to change it. I don't have benchmarks to back this up, but I was typically getting 45-55FPS in AC: Origins with my GTX 970 with the same settings.

The 1070 Ti typically benches like 75% better than the GTX 970 so I'm convinced something isn't right here.

Any help is greatly appreciated

*edit - Turned on all the monitoring from MSI afterburner during the AC: Origins benchmark and my CPU is at 100% on all cores, but my GPU never exceeds 51%. Not sure what this means, but I have a hard time believing an i5 7600k is bottlenecking the GPU so badly as to not allow it to run at 100%.
"I still don't really understand how higher resolution would allow more utilization of the GPU, seems the CPU bottleneck would exist..."

GPU is responsible for processing all the pixels that your see on you screen. The higher the pixel count, the harder the GPU has to work.
CPU "relatively" does not care if you game at 760p, 1080p or 4k (again, relatively). It's approximately the same work for the CPU.
So if you GPU can push 135fps in a game and your CPU cannot keep up, your CPU will be at 100% load while your GPU is not fully utilized, because your CPU can't process more than say 87fps.
Upping the resolution will make your GPU work to around full load at 70s to 80s fps. That will be close to your CPU capability.

That makes sense. But then I run Fortnite at like 140-180FPS at 1440x1080, so by that logic, doesn't that mean that the CPU is capable of putting up higher frames?

I see. I downloaded the tuning utility this morning and I ran one quick bench, but I didn't mess around with any of the tuning. I had to leave for work. When I get home, I'm going to play around some overclocking of the CPU. Since I have that liquid cooler, the CPU temp never exceeds 45C, so I would think I could overclock it quite a bit. I have never messed around with overclocking before, because I've never really seen the need. But now, the need seems quite apparent

Not with that MB you aren't going to OC anything.

You need a Z170 or Z270 MB to OC.

re read my post. Im not suggesting overclocking. Im suggesting you check if you cpu is running at the correct clock speed when gaming and check its not throttling - this isnt always caused by overheating, sometimes it can be down to a faulty sensor or other issue.

Well alright then, hit another wall. Looks like some new hardware might be in the forecast

Looks like that board won't OC anyway. I think they were around 4ghz but I'll take a closer look when I get home

This clearly shows you have a CPU bottleneck. What was the clock rate? If you had your power settings to efficiency, the clocks would stay very low and cause an issue like this.

Factory clock rate, I believe it was running at 3.8ghz

At this point, I'm ready to get an i5-8600k and a Z370 motherboard with some faster RAM. So far, the GPU purchase has been a waste of money, so might as well double down and make it worthwhile
Don't assume the clocks are running at 3.8ghz. You are at 100% CPU usage with poor performance. Check to see what the clocks are at while gaming with a monitoring program. The clock rate may be much lower than they should be, at which point, you can take steps to fix it. If the performance is lower than before, with the same CPU, something changed and it's not the GPU's fault.

You might also check to your task manager to make sure there isn't another program stealing CPU usage.

I have a 1070 Ti and it didn't bottleneck even with an 8 year old X5650. I have the EVGA blower style with a modded cooler and I flashed the FTW2 BIOS onto it for a higher power limit,

OP: this is an extreme solution to some, but go to the TechPowerUp GPU BIOS database and download a newer version of your cards BIOS. Use NVFLASH to flash the BIOS to your card. This has fixed several GPUs of mine, a 550Ti, a 560 Ti, and my R9 390X 8GB, among others.

Sometimes cards ship with corrupted BIOSes.

Don't ask me how to do any of these things, a Google search will explain it better than I can.

The Graphics card is performing exactly as it should be, we already had him test that.

It's the rest of the systems that's the issue.

This mostly means a bottleneck.
Your CPU is fine. Don’t waste money “upgrading” to 8600K. You mentioned “1440x1080” as your resolution. I’m almost certain you have your GPU outputting resolution at 2560x1440 or greater. 1070 Ti can’t really handle QHD or UHD at 100 plus frames. I would uninstall GeForce Exp, reinstall the driver, and check and make sure in game resolution is 1920 x 1080 instead of something funky. All those guys screaming bottleneck simply don’t know what they’re talking about.

He plays fortnite and you dont think he can run over 100 fps? also says in the op hes running 1080p.

The Graphics card is performing exactly as it should be, we already had him test that.

It's the rest of the systems that's the issue.[/quotemsg]

I see. I bet he put thermal paste on just like the Verge.

That's a blatant lie. My 1070 Ti does Fallout 4 on ULTRA at 80 to 300FPS and BeamNG.Drive at 100+. My screen is 2560x1440 120Hz.

Given, I have the equivalent of the 4930K, but still.

That's not really a lie, but game dependent. The game the OP mentioned would not be capable of 144 FPS. Fallout 4 is apparently a different story.

AC: Origins can definitely run 144fps 1440p if you turn down most of the settings.

Are we really talking about playing on near low settings?

If you need all settings as high as possible to enjoy a game, you need to rethink how you're living your life. Such an elitist attitude is harmful to society.



Ultra, with low AA and a few settings not max gets you about 60 FPS in the game. You are not talking about lowering a few settings, but playing at medium or lower settings. The OP is wanting to play at near Ultra settings.

If you cannot comprehend that, you may want to find another post to troll.