Question Unallocated partion on SSD


Oct 29, 2013
Hi I have a potential issue with my partitioning - Windows update in February automatically sorted the situation of my 32GB SSD and 2TB hard drive as below. I do not have any separate drive showing on my computer re the SSD.

Disk 0: (FAT32) 100MB, Other 128MB, C: (NTFS) 1.81TB, (NTFS) 450MB, (NTFS) 350MB, Recovery 898MB

Disk 1: Unallocated 11.22GB

If I then go to RST info on PC it shows the SSD as:

SATA Array 0000: 30GB, Volume 0000 Raid Data Volume 11GB, Volume 0001 Raid Cache Volume 19GB

Question does this look right? eg is my SSD working and making use of itself?

How do I sort the unallocated issue out if it is a problem?

Thank you, I have read so many articles and getting nowhere.

This is my problem , i am confused? when i bought machine some time ago the SSD cached windows start up but somehow (i think windows update) the machine has made its own decision. I ideally i want to use the full 32gb SSD to do its own job of caching something.

I appreciate i cant load windows 10 onto the small SSD.

SSD should not be unallocated but 11GB seems to be.

I would have thought it should show 2TB HDD as C drive with an 32 GB SSD drive just caching things? eg should show 32GB raid caching?
