Question Uncontrollable fan speeds ?

Feb 25, 2025
Recently built a PC with solid specs and everything has been going smoothly, mostly the fact that I have been able to game with low fan noise and very good temps. However, today all of a sudden after loading up a game that I have been playing, my CPU fans ramp up to sound like a jet engine (70-80% power). The CPU temps are well below 50C and around the low 40s while i was gaming so it doesn’t make sense for them to ramp up this high 10 seconds into a game. I will also add I’ve been adjusting the fan curves in the BIOS but nothing is working. Any help is appreciated.
Full specs? Include all model numbers if possible.
i have a 360 mm aio with 3 cooler master pwm sickleflow 120 fans hooked up to the cpu fan header via a splitter cable. my other fans (corsair rs120) are hooked up to system fan headers as well via daisychaining. running an i7 12700k with an rx 9070xt. i think the noise is mainly coming from my radiator fans
i have a 360 mm aio with 3 cooler master pwm sickleflow 120 fans hooked up to the cpu fan header via a splitter cable. my other fans (corsair rs120) are hooked up to system fan headers as well via daisychaining. running an i7 12700k with an rx 9070xt. i think the noise is mainly coming from my radiator fans
Can you post a pic of the inside of your case so we can see the radiator location and orientation of it's fans and hoses, and the orientation and locations of the case fans?

Can you post a pic of the inside of your case so we can see the radiator location and orientation of it's fans and hoses, and the orientation and locations of the case fans?

don’t currently have a picture but i have a top mounted radiator with its fans positioned as exhaust and front fans as intake and rear fan as exhaust. radiator tubes are closest to the front as well. best i can describe my pc setup. however, i think this may be a software issue rather than hardware since fans are ramping up despite low temps.
Since it appears that you're using cooler master and corsair equipment, are you also using any type of software from those companies that could be interfering?
i use an msi software which allows me to adjust all the fans together despite being different brands. i have neither coolermaster/corsair softwares installed.