Question Undervolting my laptop's CPU (i7 9750h) ?


Mar 11, 2018
Greetings fellow Tom's, long time no see!

I recently discovered undervolting and thought about giving it a go, since it doesn't really involve that much of a risk except for maybe a crash and BSOD here and there.

Laptop name (from Lenovo Site via Detect My Product option)
Legion Y540-15IRH Laptop (Lenovo) - Type 81SX
Machine Type Model :81SX0057SC

CPU I7 9750H

Now I'm using Throttlestop and so far that I've tested it works when I undervolt CPU Core, CPU Cache and Intel GPU sections under ''FIVR - FIVR Control'' up to -125 mV on each of those categories.

It went up from 3300 mhz on my cpu frequency up to 3900 mhz and also the temperature under load dropped from 93 to 83, which is awesome. In pictures below, you can see CInebench results (nr 9 is my default laptop setup with no undervolting at all, and nr 7 is my attempt at undervolting and testing it out).

However I still feel like I can push it but apparently temperature seems the problem.

I'm still a newbie when it comes to this and I only tweaked these settings for few hours so I would like to push this up even further with your assistance :)

Here are screenshots from Throttlestop, Cinebench and HWMonitor.

EDIT: Ignore the first picture, that's my old setting with Speedshift enabled on 128, I've disabled it since it apparently conflicts and messes up my mhz on cores, its way better without it now.

Thank you for the help!
You could increase the fan speed with something like speed fan, or another alternative… i forgot what its called but its more actively developed.

Then theres the usual cooler and fan cleaning plus thermal paste replacement.