Undervolting my Phenom II...


Mar 17, 2009
Hi, I know that this is a forum for OVERclocking, but it's got the word 'clocking' in it, so I'll just post about underclocking as well :)

I just bought a Phenom II 710, and the minimium vcore is 0.800 volts, so does that mean I can run it at 0.800 at stock speed (2.6ghz), or at lowest multipler? Is it safe to run at low voltages? If anyone else has this cpu, what voltage should I run it at for stock speed of 200x13? I recieved it out of the box at 1.325 volts or something, I just undervolted it to 1.225v. Thanks for any advice.

edit: My bad, I just rebooted to check in BIOS. Stock vcore at 2.6ghz was maxed out at 1.4250v, and I have it at 1.3vcore right now as I'm typing this. Temperature during an OCCT on LARGE data set was reporting 36 celcius max with the built-in temp utility, down fron 42 celcius at NORMAL data set. OCCT was for 30 mins, showed no errors.
Found that out the hard way, I just had the vcore at 1V and I hung. My first hang! On my best pc! not good lol. I'm getting 1.2vcore usable right now, possibly not very stable... I've OOCTed it for like 20mins no error. I think the best way would be trial and error... If anyone has some suggestions for stability checking, I'd be glad to give them a go. So far, I've only used OCCT. I have Prime95, but I've never used it. And I've heard of some program called superpi or something... Any others?

And what do you mean by 'depends on your silicon'? You mean my motherboard power phases or something?

Oh and one more thing: I got my temp down by like 10 celcius on full load and 5 celcius idle! Another bonus on top of my arctic silver. Anyone suggest that I buy a 3rd party heatsink? I'm using stock and I'm getting like 25 celcius idle. :bounce:
Thats 77 Degrees F which is about room temperature, getting a 3rd party cooler on there wont take it much below room temp, waste of money if your already that low.

MIGHT lower it 2-4C more.
Alright, I've been quite busy the last few days. Used AMD Overdrive and went from 1.3 something volts down to 1.00v, got my first hang ever!!! 😱 :sarcastic: :na: :sol: :bounce: :non: Reset computer, BIOS, lowered from 1.325 to 1.200, OCCTed, got error on core 1 after 30 mins. I thought I broke it, but then I went to 1.325v, and got 1 hour of OCCT no problems. For some crazy reason, I jumped my fsb to 231 (x13) to make 3.05 or something ghz, now running back at 1.3125v just passes a 5 hour OCCT. Do you guys think I should test longer, or with something else like prime95? Or that intel burntest thing? (Does it even work on AMD's?)