University of Florida to Cut CISE Dept Budget Drastically

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Jun 17, 2011
Well, at least we now know the population of successful and high IQ students from this school are going to drop. It would be pure idiocy to cut back on the very research and technologies that students need to learn now for our future. There is only so much your sports can reinvent themselves.

But what do I know, right? Our Universities are more inclined on making money rather than researching new technologies and pushing our students to reach further than before.


I'm a graduating senior in the department at UF and I'am glad this story is getting more national attention. Thanks for posting this.


May 6, 2008
I read about this today... An estimated $1.7 million in savings, and the money is reportedly going to their athletics program. I have a feeling someone will step in and restore the department via a grant/donation. Bill Gates has done things like that in the past.


Sep 14, 2011
I just applied for a job at the ECE. With all the turmoil Im glad I didn't get the job, I am looking for something stable but this apprently wasn't it. Everything happens for a reason. Go Gators.


As if any college can successfully support a real, up to date CIS degree program. I have yet to see a program that isn't using information that's at least 4 years old. UF is probably teaching their students how to administer Oracle 8, Solaris 7, Windows 2000, and Linux 2.2.


just do what all the other schools are doing, raise tuition to cover the expenses and have the state build new sports stadiums for the school. that's what the UofMinn. does.


Oct 9, 2009
Keep those Women's Studies and Jewish Studies programs going, UF. You'll need something to keep Football U intact.


I sincerely feel all this rudeness should be targeted towards Gov. Scott! He is the one who has been making these cuts. If not CISE, some other department suffers, and to me there is no area of science/engineering or education in general that we can afford to neglect - not at one of the largest public universities in the country. UF has the distinction of being a public university which has both - a stellar athletics program and a brilliant education program. Lets please join the fight against 'budget cuts' and Gov. Scott, so we can make sure that education doesn't suffer. But please let us not be rude and so short-sighted as to blame the Dean of petty politics. As a result of all these protests, I hope the department finds money from a donation/grant etc to survive and Rick Scott gets the importance of CISE in his head.

I am an engineering student at UF and I think I understand fairly well the courses offered and the research work by CISE. I feel that most of the media reports are very biased, all of them voicing students concern or Save CISE website. I have a few points (and questions), please indulge me :

1. Does anyone seriously think that the Dean decided to cut a major engineering department, one that brings much revenue and jobs, without any reasoning? She can't be that dumb!
2. Almost all undergrad students and a majority of graduate students at CISE do not take part in any research work. Yet these are the people who are getting jobs in all those big companies. Is the Dean, then wrong in focusing on teaching efforts?
3. Most of the startup ventures at Innovation Hub have been started by students who were not at all a part of the 'research effort'. How does focusing on teaching make any difference to it? As long as the same courses are being taught, albeit now with more effort from professors, aren't we increasing the quality of education?
4. The TA budget, which is making the news has already been cut at CISE last year. CISE continues to be the only department in COE that guarantees TA for 10 semesters to all its TAs. This funding used to be for much longer, but it was changed last year due to cuts and students not graduating fast enough. Most of the other departments do not have this budget to be cut - the professors are already doing there work/grading in classes or have 1 TA (2 in rare cases) to help them out. I have not seen their teaching or research take a toll.
5. I can tell you first hand that most of the other Engineering departments in the school, do not spend so lavishly on TAs. When are almost 3-4 TAs per TA in other departments. Before you start thinking that this improves the quality of education, think twice. There is little that is done to improve the diction, pronunciation and teaching methodologies of these TAs, most of whom are international students. Having heard it from my friends, I can say that they aren't upset about losing TAs who are difficult to understand in class.
6. The Athletic Program budget - This one is being blamed for no good reason. UF sports isn't a sink of money. The athletic program, in fact, raises money separately and is very much profitable just like CISE. If by this campaign CISE raises money would they be willing to give it to some other program in the school? I don't think so.
7. MindTree setting up office in Gainesville - Again, do we think that the Dean would have gone ahead and made a decision without taking this into consideration, costing revenue to the local community? I am not sure, but as an employer wouldn't MindTree be most concerned about what courses/skills the students are being taught? Whether you do those courses under the name of 'CISE' or 'ECE' how does it matter as long as the content is the same?
8. I see an unclear plan of action by the Dean as the worst thing here. Why isn't the faculty or the students asking her to make that clear? What faculties are going to be kept in teaching CISE or moved to one of the ECE, IS, BioSciences etc?
9. With the alternate proposal that the CISE students are going to present on, what is there plan? Even if they distribute the costs across all COE departments, the TA budget will definitely be affected, mostly leading to 1/2 year reduction in funding. Or do the TAs in CISE think that unlike last year, the faculty will take a cut in there pay checks?
10. Since everyone is making a hue and cry about 'research', I want to understand how does moving the faculty to a different department adversely affect it? According to them they are already used to doing interdisciplinary research. Why is moving a professor from CS, who knows much about CS and uses it in his applied research in BioTech, to BioTech a bad idea? Why is no one looking at the positive sides of this, it might position these researchers to learn some things from applied sciences that they currently do not have?

Just as these, there are several other issues I have with the way things are being dealt with. A researcher who draws conclusions without asking for facts and real data should not be called a researcher. I sincerely feel that the plan of action is the first thing CISE should request from the Dean. Why 50% faculty, what is the number, what is the basis of appraisal etc?


May 17, 2010
It's ridiculous to be cutting something like the CS department. Of all majors, CS and engineering graduates are among the most demanded by employers and we are in great need of more engineers and programmers. What should be cut are the liberal arts programs. But that won't happen because everyone knows how vital poetry and theater is.


Apr 24, 2012
Very interesting, thank you for sharing!


Sep 7, 2008
People that are reading this need to be aware that there is a petition to sign, which is included at the end of the story. I signed it.

Good luck to you guys at the University of Florida coming from a fellow CS student attending the University of Illinois in Chicago!
While I do not like the idea of money from the program being shifted to sports programs, there is logic behind this. Sports programs generate revenue. And gators football is a highly successful college franchise. So for every dollar they spend the generate more than $1 in revenue.

Like it or not, universities are BUSINESSES. They have to watch their bottom line. They aren't there to educate you. They are there to sell you a product (their degree). And the chancelor, dean, president, and board of regents will behave accordingly.

And given how the cost of college has been skyrocketing for years, it's no wonder something finally had to give with cost support from the government. (You give a kid a blank check, he'll buy the @#$# toy store.)

It's just the natural evolution of the college market.

(If I was president of a university, that BS of colleges being business oriented ventures would come to an end, that's for sure) Less student faculty to help. Let professors do the work. No new buildings every year just because "they budget for it" No expensive landscaping programs. No expensive sports programs. No supporting negative income programs for "diversities" sake.

An engineer and computer scientist who is saving $400/month for 16 years for his son to go to college.


Money isnt being shifted to their sports department. Their sports department is independently funded and basically operates as it's own division. The defunding of CISE is because the state itself defunded the school 30%. You can blame the Florida state governor for this. The only tragedy is that if the school cared, they could share some of their sports budget with other departments to keep them operational.


Apr 12, 2010
The fact that UF Athletics are even mentioned in any articles about this story blows my mind. The UF Athletics department is a completely seperate entity from the rest of the university. In fact, the athletics department turns a profit and DONATES money to the university every year. The athletics department takes 0 dollars from any of the university state budget / tax dollars... All of it's budget is paid for by ticket sales, booster donations, sponsors (NIKE durrrrr) and TV contracts (ESPN/FOX durrrrr). The paltry 1.7 million saved by dissolving the CISE department is COMPLETELY unrelated to the athletics department's self sustaining 100 million dollar budget. If you "took all 100 million away" from the athletics department and got rid of it, there wouldn't be ANY extra money going to any other university programs, in fact there would be less, because the athletics department wouldn't be there donating some of their profits.

You people need to do some research before you believe everything that you read in sensationalized news articles written with the intention of increasing website hits.

If you want to talk about Florida Universities wasting money, why don't you talk about how many millions of state dollars were spent building FSU's stadium ;) "ohhh but there are classrooms in it.." righttttttt.
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