Unknow device on my network. I have slow internet, not sure if device is the cause.


Dec 19, 2013
Hello everyone,

I have a ZTE H368N router from a dutch provider called KPN, the provider calls it their 'Experia box'.

Lately I've been having trouble with slow loading times on websites and high ping in my games :/.

I started looking around my router and saw there was a device connected with the title 'Unknown'. If i search the mac address it shows that its from Arcadyan Technology Corporation. (Mac address of unknow device: 50:7E:5D:B9:7F:F6).

I immediately changed my wireless password, and added my own devices' mac addresses to the whitelist. I had to re-enter my password on every device and could only connect them after I whitelisted that device's mac address.

After all that the unknown device still shows up in the list.
I don't know if this device is slowing my internet but even if it is not I still don't like that it is connected to my network 😛.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

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You can narrow down the cause of the issue. Is it slow on multiple machines. Is it slow on both wireless and wired connections. Is it slow if you connect directly to the modem without the router. Does it happen at certain times of the day or certain days of the week.

Find a pattern.
Well that company makes set top boxes for TV's, routers, etc. Do you have TV over IP, a modem from them maybe, or a repeater/second router?

Blacklist the MAC and see if it shows up under another MAC address. If it does then it is someone who broke into your wireless network :)

HeyununfortunatelyI don't know how to block a mac address on router. I've looked at every tab but can only find tto how to whitelist
Wireless devicesImtha trying to disconnect tv device tonight see if thats it.

Thanks but a quick search tells me i have experiabox v9, and another search tells me that arcadyan only made on experiabox which is v8
The TV box was the unknow mac address!! It did show the address on the sticker of the TV box, thanks for that.
At least now i know what the unknown mac address is.

But something is still slowing my internet down every now and then, any ideas as to where I should start looking?

You can narrow down the cause of the issue. Is it slow on multiple machines. Is it slow on both wireless and wired connections. Is it slow if you connect directly to the modem without the router. Does it happen at certain times of the day or certain days of the week.

Find a pattern.
Accidentally made your answer best solution,

But when it does happen it is slow on wired and wireless devices, also connecting to my router is slow at those times. Loading settings from my router is also slow then. I'm going to write down the times from now on and see if I can find a pattern there, thanks.