Hi, I have NordVPN installed on my PC. It scans for all downloaded files for threats and report on them.
KwownGameList.bin was downloaded twice this month. This is the first time this file was ever downloaded to this pc. It never appeared on the downloaded files list on NordVPN before.
I have never downloaded this file myself and read online that it is a ransomware trojan or something to do with xbox game bar.
NordVPN stated the file were downloaded from an unknown host which I found weird since if it a xbox related thing, shouldn't it be mircosoft?
They were downloaded to the same folder
I tried locating the file but failed. That folder does not contain any file, hidden or not. Is this normal?
I was able to find a file with the same name under C:\Windows\bcastdvr but the file was last modified before both files were downloaded.
I never used anything related to xbox so I am not sure why if it is a xbox thing, it will be downloaded to my pc therefore, I am very worried that it is a ransomware.
If someone can shed any light on this, it will be much appreciated.
KwownGameList.bin was downloaded twice this month. This is the first time this file was ever downloaded to this pc. It never appeared on the downloaded files list on NordVPN before.
I have never downloaded this file myself and read online that it is a ransomware trojan or something to do with xbox game bar.
NordVPN stated the file were downloaded from an unknown host which I found weird since if it a xbox related thing, shouldn't it be mircosoft?
They were downloaded to the same folder
I tried locating the file but failed. That folder does not contain any file, hidden or not. Is this normal?
I was able to find a file with the same name under C:\Windows\bcastdvr but the file was last modified before both files were downloaded.
I never used anything related to xbox so I am not sure why if it is a xbox thing, it will be downloaded to my pc therefore, I am very worried that it is a ransomware.
If someone can shed any light on this, it will be much appreciated.