unknown usb issue - help me understanding the .dmp file!



Hi everybody, I have a strange and unknown problem with the safe removal of usb pen drives on my laptop (hp 250 g3, with win7 ultimate 64 bits sp1). Mostly after waking my laptop from hibernation/ stand by, when I unplug a pen drive using the 'safely remove' tool, the drive is unplugged properly, but the rundll32.exe process which calls up the hotplug.dll gets stuck in the task manager, unless I terminate it myself; what is more, the usb icon in the toolbar does not disappear and becomes unclickable. Now, I made a dump file, and was able to read it on-line using http://www.osronline.com/page.cfm?name=analyze, only I cannot understand its meaning, and here comes my request for help! I have the sensation that it could be a problem of software conflict, but I need to investigate into the dump to see what to do next... Thank you in advance for your help!


Win 11 Master
open command prompt(admin)
type SFC /scannow and press enter

this scans system files and may fix this behaviour

can you upload the dump file to a cloud server and share link here and someone will help you out :)

If PC is a brand name, check makers site for model and see if you have latest drivers. If PC is custom build, check motherboard makers web site for drivers for it.



Thank you Colif. I have already tried to use scannow, to no results (in fact, I have tried a number of solutions); I will check my drivers, but I do not know how to upload to a cloud server: do you know if I can upload the file here (perhaps in zip format)?...


Win 11 Master
I don't think you can upload direct here.

Look at this, it explains how to upload files to dropbox, you will need to create an account with them, can do that where it shows the logon link in article. You probably want to look at sharing files and folders since thats why you there: https://www.dropbox.com/en/help/4455

how big is dump file? if really big, have a look at steps 1-4 of here, and skipping step 5, do step 6: http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/174459-dump-files-configure-windows-create-bsod.html

that creates a file in c/windows/minidump
copy that file to documents
upload the copy from documents to a cloud server and share the link here and someone will help you fix it :)



I would prefer not to use dropbox. What if someone tells me what to search for in the dump and I write it here? Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find any string such as "probably caused by" (which usually shows in a dump), but perhaps there are other data that I can report for you to have a look at it (for example, it says something about a 'status breakpoint', followed by a code of some sort)... :)


Win 11 Master
I must have been tired last two days, go to this site: http://h20564.www2.hp.com/hpsc/swd/public/readIndex?sp4ts.oid=6732463&swLangOid=8&swEnvOid=4063
if it asks, choose your OS
Under software-solutions, download HP Support Assistant

run it on PC and click the updates and tune-ups tab and use the tool to update all your drivers


Judging from screen shot you may have to click a few tabs - choose all with updates,

is there a cloud server you would prefer to use as typing out the dump is an incredible waste of your time, it might says its only a few 100kb but its a text file, that is still a lot of lines.



Thank you again, Colif. As far as I can recollect, my problem showed for the first time (probably) after I upgraded my graphic drivers, so I would prefer to leave the drivers be, at least for the moment (if only I remembered what was my previous graphic driver!...). As for the cloud, I must admit I am not familiar with it, and it would take me more time to use it than to write here some lines from my dump: isn't there really any data in the dump which I could report in order for you to understand my problem?... PS Sorry for contributing to your weariness with my requests! :p


Win 11 Master
I don't exactly know what lines you would need to type out here. You can try to read the dumps using https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/ff538058%28v=vs.85%29.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396 but without you updating drivers or sharing a dump I cannot help much more. I cannot read dump files myself as the software used looks for dumps in specific places and users cannot copy to the location as its system controlled. But if you had shared it, good chance someone who can read them would help you more.

actually, download and run who crashed
it looks at dumps and will give us a summary

copy/paste results in here - no uploads needed for this



Found a solution of some sort: I have created a new group on Facebook called ".dmp file" where I was able to upload my rundll32.dmp, if someone joins my group he/ she will be able to read it! Do you think I'd better to open a new thread here now or what? Many thanks to you and James Mason!