[SOLVED] Unreal engine crash report

Dec 15, 2019
Hi, do you know how I could fix this error:
[2019.12.15-03.55.59:812][242]LogPakFile: New pak file ../../../FortniteGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk1018-WindowsClient.pak added to pak precacher.
[2019.12.15-03.55.59:812][242]LogPakFile: Successfully mounted deferred pak file '../../../FortniteGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk1003-WindowsClient.pak'
[2019.12.15-03.55.59:812][242]LogPakFile: Registered encryption key '37B3D2284CB3924E6592C2D1D11451E4': 1 pak files mounted, 15 remain pending
[2019.12.15-03.55.59:818][242]LogAssetManager: Registered new asset registry '37B3D2284CB3924E6592C2D1D11451E4' in 0.0000s
[2019.12.15-03.55.59:928][242]LogPakFile: New pak file ../../../FortniteGame/Content/Paks/pakchunk1003-WindowsClient.pak added to pak precacher.
[2019.12.15-03.55.59:928][242]LogStreaming: Display: Flushing async loaders.
[2019.12.15-03.55.59:940][242]LogD3D11RHI: Error: Direct3DDevice->CreateTexture2D(TextureDesc,SubResourceData,OutTexture2D) failed
at D:/Build/++Fortnite/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/Windows/D3D11RHI/Private/D3D11Texture.cpp:479
Size=64x64x1 Format=(0x00000046), NumMips=7, Flags=D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE , Usage:0x0, CPUFlags:0x0, MiscFlags:0x0, SampleCount:0x1, SampleQuality:0x0, SubresPtr:0x0000000000000000, SubresPitch:0, SubresSlicePitch:0
[2019.12.15-03.55.59:940][242]LogD3D11RHI: [Aftermath] GDynamicRHI=00000157F05D0000, GDX11NVAfterMathEnabled=0, Result=0xFFFFFFFF, bDeviceActive=0

Fortnite will always crash even if I am only in the lobby and all I have is this error
that crash report says your GPU disconnected
when GPU does not comunicate for 2 seconds, GPU driver will reset
u could try to increase it to 10 seconds through windows registry

press Win key + R --> Type in "Regedit"
go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers" and create a new key "DWORD (32-bit)" and name it "TdrDelay" with a value of 10 as Decimal value.
then reboot
that crash report says your GPU disconnected
when GPU does not comunicate for 2 seconds, GPU driver will reset
u could try to increase it to 10 seconds through windows registry

press Win key + R --> Type in "Regedit"
go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers" and create a new key "DWORD (32-bit)" and name it "TdrDelay" with a value of 10 as Decimal value.
then reboot
that crash report says your GPU disconnected
when GPU does not comunicate for 2 seconds, GPU driver will reset
u could try to increase it to 10 seconds through windows registry

press Win key + R --> Type in "Regedit"
go to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers" and create a new key "DWORD (32-bit)" and name it "TdrDelay" with a value of 10 as Decimal value.
then reboot

This made it work for a few minutes but now I get this error:
19.12.15-16.54.16:538][375]LogFortWorld: World Generation random stream initialized using seed 28117
[2019.12.15-16.54.18:574][497]LogFort: Display: [FortCustomizationAssetLoader CP_Head_Med_Soldier_M_AuroraGlow] Finished loading. 12 assets loaded.
[2019.12.15-16.54.26:276][959]LogScript: Warning: Script Msg: SetTimer passed a negative time or initial start delay. The associated timer may fail to fire! If using InitialStartDelayVariance, be sure it is smaller than (Time + InitialStartDelay).
[2019.12.15-16.54.27:341][ 22]LogParty: Verbose: UpdateChangeCallbacks: Getting Team Member Info for [Playername] Id [MCP:60f98d0833ab4bc3ab993403cfd1657c].
[2019.12.15-16.54.27:341][ 22]LogParty: Verbose: [Playername] Id [MCP:60f98d0833ab4bc3ab993403cfd1657c] team member data updated, team [MAX] at index [0] in [Playername]'s game.
[2019.12.15-16.54.27:341][ 22]LogParty: Verbose: Got bad homebase data
[2019.12.15-16.54.31:843][291]LogScript: Warning: Script Msg: SetTimer passed a negative time or initial start delay. The associated timer may fail to fire! If using InitialStartDelayVariance, be sure it is smaller than (Time + InitialStartDelay).
[2019.12.15-16.54.33:802][408]LogFort: Display: [FortCustomizationAssetLoader CP_Head_F_RockClimber] Finished loading. 10 assets loaded.
[2019.12.15-16.54.34:150][429]LogFort: Display: [FortCustomizationAssetLoader M_Med_Soldier_Head_Gingerbread_ATH] Finished loading. 15 assets loaded.
[2019.12.15-16.54.34:166][430]LogFort: SetPetType called on /Game/Athena/Apollo/Maps/Apollo_Terrain.Apollo_Terrain: PersistentLevel.PlayerPawn_Athena_C_2147433345 with PetID_006_Gingerbread (creation allowed)
[2019.12.15-16.54.35:128][488]LogFortPrioSwitcher: [UFortPrioritizedWidgetSwitcher::OnWidgetRequestedActivation()] Current active widget [AthenaKillFeedWidget] does not want to show content
[2019.12.15-16.54.35:518][511]LogSlate: Warning: SCommonAnimatedSwitcher Pending Widget became invalid while a transition was happening
[2019.12.15-16.54.35:518][511]LogSlate: Warning: SCommonAnimatedSwitcher Pending Widget became invalid while a transition was happening
[2019.12.15-16.54.36:752][585]LogFort: Display: [FortCustomizationAssetLoader CP_Head_F_CubePaintRedKnight] Finished loading. 9 assets loaded.
[2019.12.15-16.54.40:430][806]LogD3D11RHI: Error: Result failed
at D:/Build/++Fortnite/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/Windows/D3D11RHI/Private/D3D11Query.cpp:348
[2019.12.15-16.54.40:430][806]LogD3D11RHI: [Aftermath] GDynamicRHI=000001F2D5D90000, GDX11NVAfterMathEnabled=0, Result=0xFFFFFFFF, bDeviceActive=0
[2019.12.15-16.54.40:430][806]LogWindows: Windows GetLastError: Der Vorgang wurde erfolgreich beendet. (0)
[2019.12.15-16.54.40:732][807]LogCore: Error: Hitch detected on gamethread (frame hasn't finished for 306.59ms):
[2019.12.15-16.54.40:732][807]LogCore: Error: Leaving hitch detector (+ 306.62ms)
[2019.12.15-16.54.40:732][807]LogCore: Error: Leaving stat scope on hitch (+ 307.95ms) [GameThread] STAT_EventWait