Hello I am building my first gaming desktop and recently got: https://store.coolermaster.com/us/the-ability-cooldown-bundle
I need help choosing a motherboard and processor, but I'm not sure what to do. I want a desktop that will be able to play games well into 2019 and be able to upgrade easily in the future. Staying within 1000 price range although I don't mind suggestions to flex a little more expensive parts (I am willing to save up more if needed).
https://de.pcpartpicker.com/product/qGqbt6/gskill-memory-f43200c16d16gvgb I would like to use this ram too, since it looks like a good deal. Thanks for the help since I am not sure what kind of processor or motherboard I would need/ is compatible with my cooler
I need help choosing a motherboard and processor, but I'm not sure what to do. I want a desktop that will be able to play games well into 2019 and be able to upgrade easily in the future. Staying within 1000 price range although I don't mind suggestions to flex a little more expensive parts (I am willing to save up more if needed).
https://de.pcpartpicker.com/product/qGqbt6/gskill-memory-f43200c16d16gvgb I would like to use this ram too, since it looks like a good deal. Thanks for the help since I am not sure what kind of processor or motherboard I would need/ is compatible with my cooler