While benchmarks do help make some make there next purchase choice. Benchmarking is manily for bragging rights. Everyone talked about how bad the 8600 gt video card is. I paid 100 bucks over a year ago and it still plays crysis, flight simulator, bioshock, half life 2 just fine. Graphics look great.No stuttering, works great.
You take the 400 dollar intel chip, put it up against 200 dollar atholon chip, both dual cores, and chances are you may notice a small diffrence but was that small diffrence worth the extra 200 bucks?? Have a friend with the latest greatest intel chip, I have the atholn 6000 dual core and in the real world. Not that big of diffrence. So many factors decide your computer speed. What os your using, what programs are running in the back ground, is your computer clean of virus and spyware ? Bench marks are simply for bragging rights. Rember the real world diffrence is a diffrent story. Don't buy into the hype of people bragging about how fast there computer is. Talk is talk.
In the real world, my sub par 8600gr runs all the latest greatest games just fine including call of duty 4, and I paid 100 bucks for it a year and a half ago.