Updating Drivers in Windows 10

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Sarah Clopine

Jan 14, 2015
I have been using computers since I was in the 5th grade and started messing around with the workings of a computer at the age of 14. Then at the age of 22 I received my diploma in Computer Repair. But that is when XP and Vista were coming out and Windows and Mac were at commercial war with each other. So, here is my thing I am using Windows 10 and loving it. However, I am trying to update my Broadband Wireless Driver on my Toshiba Satellite C55D-B5310 A8 AMD Processor and it tells me it cannot update and gives me the error code "Error Update.cpp 1203 has occurred and cannot finish update." Can someone please tell me what I should do.

Side note I have been away from computers for a while, and I am now coming back to them so please use some techy term so I can learn but also use simple words as well.

Thank you.

Ahh, yes but the problem is a hardware/software conflict. I mean a USB wifi adapter because your internal wifi adapter isn't taking the drivers. I'm not talking about the wifi network you connect to, I'm talking about the hardware that allows your computer to connect to the wifi network.

Something like this you can plug into our laptop and forget about it. (you'll want to open device manager and disable your other wifi adapter)...

Ahh, yes but the problem is a hardware/software conflict. I mean a USB wifi adapter because your internal wifi adapter isn't taking the drivers. I'm not talking about the wifi network you connect to, I'm talking about the hardware that allows your computer to connect to the wifi network.

Something like this you can plug into our laptop and forget about it. (you'll want to open device manager and disable your other wifi adapter) http://www.amazon.com/Edimax-EW-7811Un-150Mbps-Raspberry-Supports/dp/B003MTTJOY/ref=sr_1_1?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1436368083&sr=1-1&keywords=usb+wifi+adapter&refinements=p_72%3A1248879011&pebp=1436368112455&perid=0D4M9W54X0BV2G83Z2JT

But that can have some weak reception issues.

Something like this you'll have to plug in and unplug everytime you put your laptop into it's carrying bag, but it will have better reception at longer distances:
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