Upgrade advice for beginner


Jun 25, 2017
As my first set-up, I purchased the Cyperpower Ultra 2239 (link: https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883230159). I'm very new to this and was not aware of this site before purchasing, otherwise I would have went custom route. From my small amount of research, this 2239 build seems to be decent--although it appears I could use a better graphics card. I mostly play shooters, so I would like to have modifications that won't affect my FPS (if that's even a concern). Recently, I started playing PU'S Battlegrounds, and I'm having difficulties running it optimally on my current set-up.

Due to worries over compatibility, I'm unsure about any other changes I would have to make if I swapped out the card for a better one. I would like some advice on a graphics card to add to this set-up. If there are any other changes I should make, please let me know.

Lastly, I've seen a lot of discussion about "overclocking."Is this something I could do on my current set-up?

Thanks for the help.
Another, more powerful GPU would certainly help but faster processor too. You could possibly drop an FX 6350 in along with Rx 470/570 for somewhat better performance. I doubt that MB would stand any substantial OC and PSU would also need to be more powerful for all of that to work.
So you are looking at a minimum, a GPU, maybe CPU too and PSU for sure.
Another, more powerful GPU would certainly help but faster processor too. You could possibly drop an FX 6350 in along with Rx 470/570 for somewhat better performance. I doubt that MB would stand any substantial OC and PSU would also need to be more powerful for all of that to work.
So you are looking at a minimum, a GPU, maybe CPU too and PSU for sure.