Upgrade compatibility help


Nov 14, 2017
Okay so I traded a couple things for a slight gaming build to a friend. It was a dell inspirion. Pretty sure it's this one. https://www.amazon.com/Dell-Inspiron-Desktop-Windows-Professional/dp/B00OJC6B94

Anyway it's got some upgraded stuff, but it isn't enough for some of the games I want to run. I need a new processor, and that means a new motherboard. So I need to find a motherboard compatible with my new Processor, and my current hardware. I'll need ddr3 slots so i can support my current RAM until i can afford to upgrade. I was hoping some more experienced people wouldn't mind helping me out.

All I need to know is what motherboard to buy that will support all this stuff. Also if you could lecture me on cases, it would be appreciated.

Currently my Upgraded parts are as follows:

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 TI graphics card

Corsair HX650 Power Supply

AMD FX-6300 (the new processor)

Seagate st3500413AS 500GB ---- this is confusing to me so there's the id number and it says barracuda.

I hope for a response from this amazing community. Thank you in advance
Can try pcpartpicker.com, check the am3/am3+ box and look for the 970 labels. Pick out a couple that fit your budget and needs. The msi 970 gaming is one of the better boards, especially for OC needs.

I Have no idea how old the psu is. I am located in Gastonia, NC. Sourcing suggestions is optional, but preferred. I'm not trying to spend more than 150 on the motherboard alone, will settle if completely necessary.
Thank you for the speedy response.