Upgrade CPU or GPU first


Oct 2, 2013
I'm going to be upgrading my PC soon, I'm currently on an FX 6300 at 4.2Ghz and an GTX 670. I'm looking to upgrade to an skylake i5 and either a r9 390 or GTX 970. But I'd like to know which is going to be provide greater benefit initially.

Thank you all in advance.
Are the games you are playing maxing out the CPU or gpu? Changing the one that is maxing out will give you the most gain now. You wont see the full potential of either upgrade until you upgrade the other component too. Your current build is well balanced so I dont see any obvious choice
GPU. Six core CPUs like the one you have do well in DX12 tests. DX12 was released with Windows 10. Your CPU is not much of a bottleneck for a high end card yet and should run just about every game today without issue. The GPUs you listed are probably a bit overkill for your system but if you plan to upgrade your CPU later then go with the GPU for now. You'll notice the biggest change up front by swapping out for a faster GPU.
DX12 games will be out this coming year. The point was that his 6-core CPU may be able to play some future games, but his GPU will probably not. His GPU is more likely to be holding him back for now, and in the future. Enough said.