Upgrade from 4830 to 4890 or wait??


Apr 16, 2007
Hey everyone, I can't find any benchmarks comparing the 4830 to the 4890 so I figured I'd ask here and see what you all think. Basically, I will soon be getting a 1080p monitor and will be gaming at 1920x1080 instead of 1280x1024 which is what I have been at. Because of this, I want a card that can handle that resolution and I'm afraid my 4830 won't cut since I play lots of FPS games and want to be ready for the next batch (COD:modern warfare 2, bioshock 2, etc).

So, should I get a 4890 with the TV or should I wait??
I think you should wait till next gen of cards are out since there fairly close. Those games didnt come out yet and your current 4830 should play most modern games at decent settings.
I recently upgraded from an 8800gts 512mb overclocked to 770 core (650 stock) (faster then a stock 4830) to a 4890 toxic becauseI was unable to achieve the level of playability I wanted on my 1920x1200 screen.

Games like Call of duty world at war ran fine at max (slowed way down in heavy smoke tho), but other games I was unable to play at max settings at that resolution (far cry 2, crysis) (crysis warhead is on half enthusiast and half gamer with 2xaa with my 4890). Also because the minimum frames I was getting was getting me killed.

I found the upgrade to be worthwhile, but i'm also fully aware that in the coming months the 58xx series may force me to upgrade again.

If your ok with lower details and lower aa / af settings the 4830 will play any game out there, some maxed, others will be high, med, low and so on.

I would get the monitor in, play with it on the 4830 and then decide if you wish to wait for dx 11 cards. If you can afford to spend $200 now I think you will be happy with the increase, but if money is tight, I would wait.