Upgrade from Strix r7 370oc edition? FX 8350 16GB ram


Aug 17, 2015
Hello everyone! I am looking to change out my GPU as I will have some extra cash in the coming week to spend. My Build right now is:

FX-8350 stock clock
MSI 970 gaming mobo
16 GB 1833 ram
Strix r7 370oc edition at stock clock

I am looking only to change my graphics card at the moment as I want to wait to see what Zen brings to the table. What is a card that is highly recommended around the $450 dollar mark without potential bottlenecks?

Thanks for the input!
How about you explain your unhealthy love of intel, but fallout 4 everything on ultra and max draw distances @2160p I get over 60fps, I have it vsynced and it just sits there at 60 so pretty sure I'm getting more, how much more doesn't matter because my refresh on my 2160p display is 60hz, same with gtaV with everything maxed except the advanced settings, only have a couple of them maxed, this cpu is a beast by any standard but you only want to point out that an i3 can beat it in a single threading application, but what you fail to point out is that same i3 loses in multi threading against it.

I already said intel was better at single threading but who plays single threading games nowadays anyway? I have a multi core cpu so I can play...
The best card at that price is GTX 1070.
EVGA GTX 1070 SC black edition - 420$
EVGA GTX 1070 SC - 440$ (only difference is led lightning on the cooler)
EVGA GTX 1070 FTW - 460$ (RGB lightning and slightly better PCB)
Some kind of bottleneck is kinda will be always present in any system.
What is your monitor resolution and refresh rate ?


Aug 17, 2015

I have an Asus VE247H monitor. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236112

hopefully that helps. I will be looking into overclocking my cpu until i upgrade in january/february to avoid any major throttling.
you don't have to overclock the CPU.
While the GTX 1070 will not be utilized to full potential with this CPU on 1080p, they will do more frames than your monitor can display :)
So don't worry about it too much. Just get the new GPU and enjoy your gaming.



there is nothing at that budget that will not be bottlenecked by that processor, especially in some newer games where it struggles to maintain over 40 fps

though you can get a gtx 1070, and bite the performance loss until you upgrade your platform
and it would still be better than the 370




no, in some games the 8350 struggles to maintain 40 fps

especially at stock clocks

for him anything over a gtx 970 would be really wasted

and things will only get worse from this point forwards



No, i3's beat it in many games, though it usually sits in between i3's and i5's, closer to an i3

this is quite a well known fact, the 8350 just isnt that great for gaming

takes a 9590 ( 4.7ghz 8350 ) to beat a i3 in fallout for example







fallout 4, arma, ark, online games ( wow, planetside 2, etc etc ) , civ5, any total war game, starcraft 2, black flag, dayz, minecraft, farcry 3 - 4, watchdogs, gta5

many more but those off the top of my head, often drop sub ~40 fps

remember OP said "without potential bottlenecks"
so really a better pair would be an used gtx 970, a 1070's performance would be wasted unless he was upgrading

he would be spending money on performance he would never see



Jul 11, 2015
I have an fx8350 @ 4.4ghz (my max stable oc) and sli 1070's, the performance gain by switching to i7 is minimal unless switching to a 12/16/20 thread cpu. The single threading performance is greater but this cpu is less than half the cost of its 8 thread intel brethren and only performs marginally slower. For multi threading you can't go wrong, it may only be half as powerful as a 6950x but it costs less than 1/8th as much.



did you not see the i3's beating it?

it's not "marginally" slower for gaming purposes,

sli 1070?

XD Holy hell the wasted fps. I pray you are running 4k at least...

you may make an argument with rendering and such, but not for gaming or VR

sorry to say it does not take an i7 to be better, something like a i5 2500 easily trumps it handily in gaming

i5 6500 by a country mile

heck even a locked xeon is superior to a 5ghz 8350 for ANYTHING gaming or otherwise


Jul 11, 2015

Honestly I'm maxing out every game I play and I have almost every fps game there is right now, I don't see a need to buy an intel processor ever when like I said amd does the same job for less than half the price (I priced out a slight upgrade, an intel chip would cost almost $600 before shipping and taxes here and socket 2011 mobo to go with it would be at least $300, not to mention ddr4 ram, it would cost over $1000 for something that was only slightly better than what I'm running now). I get 60fps+ @ 2160p in every game I've tried and @ 4320p I get above 30fps so 32megapixels of resolution at playable fps in new ish games.

@ 1080p @144hz on my small display v-synced I get 144fps in black ops 3 with settings maxed out, wasted framerate? I don't think getting good fps is a waste, besides my 780ti's weren't cutting it for newer games so I upgraded. If this 8thread cpu needs upgrading in 5 or 6 years when 32 and 64 threads are the norm then I'll upgrade it to another amd probably because cost for performance amd wins hands down.

I might upgrade my cpu soon maybe, it depends what kind of performance amd's new 16 and 32 thread cpu's have and what they can do. Intel can smoke a big fat sausage, $2500 for a cpu is retarded, especially when a $200 cpu is more than half as powerful, plus I render video with this rig but mostly it's used for gaming and it is no slouch.

Intel is like buying a ferrari to drive around your city, sure it looks nice and can go 300 mph but you're never going to drive it 300mph in your city, you're going to drive it around slow and show it off. There is no need for a 20 thread cpu right now, nothing utilizes more than 8 threads atm so buying a 20thread cpu for gaming is just a waste of horsepower.

Here's some graphs I copied off the internet like you did only these show the performance being a lot closer.





Jul 11, 2015

Well mr trolly what are you using right now for a computer? I'm guessing you're a fanboy who's just jelly I have a better rig than him, so I challenge you to a contest, go buy catzilla (it's free but you need to buy the $15 advanced edition to unlock 4k and 1440p) and run the 1440p and 2160p tests, take a screenshot of your results like I have, let us see if you can put your money where your mouth is.



Notice also that I'm the highest ranked 8350 in the leaderboards? Notice that I'm beating all kinds of i7's with sli titans and 980ti's and 3way sli setups? Yeah. I'm also in the top 20% in 3DMark firestrike ultra too.



So hows my bottleneck, you tell me since my cpu costs less than half of all the cpu's around me.

Also pretty sure I mentioned how much of a waste it is to go with an intel chip, but to each his own.



it's on my sig

soon to have a 1070... so no, not a wink of a whiff of jealousy at all.

I dont play benchmarks, how about you explain the 8350 loosing to i3's in actual games?

>.> I would love to see fps benches on fallout 4, arma 3, black flag, watch_dogs, far cry 4, the new total war, and gta5 though.


Jul 11, 2015
How about you explain your unhealthy love of intel, but fallout 4 everything on ultra and max draw distances @2160p I get over 60fps, I have it vsynced and it just sits there at 60 so pretty sure I'm getting more, how much more doesn't matter because my refresh on my 2160p display is 60hz, same with gtaV with everything maxed except the advanced settings, only have a couple of them maxed, this cpu is a beast by any standard but you only want to point out that an i3 can beat it in a single threading application, but what you fail to point out is that same i3 loses in multi threading against it.

I already said intel was better at single threading but who plays single threading games nowadays anyway? I have a multi core cpu so I can play multi core games.

I'm beating i7s in benchmarking but you don't care about how well your cpu does when put to the test, you only care about single threading because you're a troll.

You know my cpu is better than not just yours but a bunch of i7s on high end motherboards, but your cognitive bias probably won't allow you to assimilate knowledge that does not conform to your bias.


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