Upgrade gpu or wait?

Branco Retlaw

May 8, 2017
Hey guys,

I got a GTX 970 at the moment and im actually planning to upgrade because i have a 1080p@144hz monitor.

Should i wait for the GTX 11 series or just buy a GTX 1070?


That is true what he said but again waiting for new generations is a endless loop. I`d say get the 1070 or if you are able to scrape together a bit more get a 1080 once and have a very nice experience all round. But granted the 1070 will be a good driver for a long time and if you have the setup sli is a option forward. The Volta series will not be with us any time very soon, unless you want to wait till the end of the year.
That is true what he said but again waiting for new generations is a endless loop. I`d say get the 1070 or if you are able to scrape together a bit more get a 1080 once and have a very nice experience all round. But granted the 1070 will be a good driver for a long time and if you have the setup sli is a option forward. The Volta series will not be with us any time very soon, unless you want to wait till the end of the year.
I agree with superninja, you should wait. The 970 is still a decent card, and should be able to drive your 1080[/144hz monitor just fine, depending on app/game and settings. AMD will be releasing Vega sometime in June iirc. It's worth waiting to see how overall performance & pricing is, regardless of choice.