Upgrade my GPU or CPU?


Oct 26, 2013
So basically im a poor guy and i have a budget gaming pc atm (athlon x4 750k and radeon hd 7770 1gb and 8gb of ram) and i want to upgrade this pc but i have 2 choices.Or upgrade my GPU to a GTX 960 / r9 380 OR upgrade my CPU to an i5...Basically as i said im a poor lad and if i upgrade one of these i wont be able to upgrade the other one for a long time(meaning that if i upgrade my gpu i wont be able to upgrade my cpu).Can you help me what to do?Upgrade my CPU or GPU?.Oh and btw my PSU is a corsair CX500M

Propably the max that my CPU can handle is the gtx 960 / r9 380...And this is my budget.So i am between those 2

I am a gamer.This is the reason that i built this pc.lol

a 380, or a gtx 960 would be a good pairing

you just need to overclock the cpu a bit is all


Yeah...I will propably go with the GTX 960(4GB version) cuz it requires less power and runs more cool than the R9 380.And they both have the same performance pretty much...And yes i will propably overclock my CPU too...I have a 212 evo cooler so i guess it will do the job for a slight overclock.

That is not true. The Titan X requires a 600 W psu and Titan Z needs 700 W psu. And the Corsair CX500M is Tier 4, not good.
Tier Four
No Japanese capacitors found. Only Taiwanese capacitors and may even include Chinese capacitors. Very basic safety circuits or even thin gauge wiring used. Not for gaming rigs or overclocking systems of any kind. Avoid unless your budget dictates your choice.

> http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/id-2547993/psu-tier-list.html

i was saying the CPU could handle. obviously if you were going to do that you would have a bigger PSU.