upgrade my old pc for gaming

Feb 18, 2018
hi, thanks you for your help
i have :
motherboard:k9n6sgm-v ms 7309 ver.1
processor: amd athlon x2 5200+ 2.8ghz
ram:8gb ddr2
hdd:seagate 120gb 7200rpm
and i want to buy a gpu (from 60 to 100 euros with vga(d-sub) port to play overwatch in low (maybe medium graphics )50 or 60 fps amd team fortress 2 in medium or low with 60-70fps.Which is the best gpu for this?
plz help me
thank you
Make and model of your PSU? How old is it? Judging from your specs, I'd have to say that you're going to have to rebuild your system. It's beyond the point of any upgrades where all the money invested in upgrading this system bit by bit would easily equal to buying a brand new entry level system.

Where are you located? You will find ease after reading through this thread, update this thread with the necessary information.
Q: want to buy a gpu (from 60 to 100 euros with vga(d-sub) port to play overwatch in low.
A: Looking at the motherboard manual : https://www.msi.com/Motherboard/support/K9N6SGMV__K9N6PGMFI__K9N6PGMF.html#down-manual
I can see in the specifications of it , that your pcie slot only supports x8 speeds not x16, highlighted below, please note the restriction of video cards as well noted in the manual

Now all that being said, there is a note on page 9 regarding your bios needed a change for the new video card to be functional once you get one
System default is to disable the onboard VGA when you insert a PCI-E graph card, in order to
optimize the system performance. If you would like to use both onboard and expansion card
graph functions, you have to enter the mainboard BIOS and select Advanced Chipset Features
-> OnChip and PCIe VGA selection -> Both exist and Oncip VGA by frame buffer select.
Now with a budget of 60-100 euros, including shipping costs, and the minimum requirements of overwatch for example;

Ref: https://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/requirements/overwatch/12955
Here are the Overwatch system requirements (minimum)
CPU: Intel Core i3 or AMD Phenom X3 8650
VIDEO CARD: Nvidia GeForce GTX 460, ATI Radeon HD 4850, or Intel HD Graphics 4400
Overwatch Recommended Requirements
CPU: Intel Core i5 or AMD Phenom II X3, 2.8 GHz
VIDEO CARD: Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 or ATI Radeon HD 7950

I would say considering your budget your looking at the following choices, GeForce GT 730 4GB, GT 1030 2Gb, Radeon R7 240 2Gb, all these would be new and none of these would be half the power of a GTX 660 or HD 7950, and less powerful than the minimum requirements of a GTX 460, so my suggestion is find a Used GTX 660 or AMD HD 7950 on eBay or used market for half to same price of a new GT 1030 and truly enjoy the power of it.

plz could you find me a gtx 960 or 660 or 750 ti from ebay because i dont know much with online shopping thank you
also i have seen in youtube people who played overwatch in low with dual core and gt 730 on 30-40fps
what do you think about this?
Q: "i have seen in YouTube people who played overwatch in low with dual core and GT 730 on 30-40fps"
A: if the GT 730 provides you with your needs, by all means go for it, but at 80 Euros its expensive for what it is.
As far as ebay is concerned, What country are you in? isn't there come used computer part store near you ?