Question Upgrade My PC to Ryzen 5. Give me any advice for the compatibility, please.


Feb 22, 2016
I have my old PSU Silverstone 500W and VGA MSI 750Ti 2 GB, I want to build my own PC with the current processor but I will keep both of my old PSU and VGA to cut the cost.

Here is my PC build plan:

Processor : AMD Ryzen 5 3500X
Motherboard : Gigabyte AMD AM4 B450M-DS3H V2
RAM : Gigabyte RAM Aourus DDR4 2666 16GB 2x8
HDD : western Digital 1 TB
SSD : Gigabyte SSD 256GB
PSU : Silvestone 500W

I'm gonna use my PC for livestreaming and video editing.

Actually, I really worry about my PSU, is that 500w PSU enough to run my PC with that spesification?

Give me any advice, please.
Thank you for your advice. I really appreciate it.

I will consider to replace my old PSU with the new one.

Actually, I have a plan to use GTX 1050, but I hold my plan to keep my budget still low.

If I use Ryzen it's gonna be better if I use VGA from AMD too or NVIDIA is still good?

Because my old PC using AMD Phenom II X2 Black Edition and EVGA GTX something ( I forget the series 😁) before it broke and I replace with MSI GTX 750 ti, my current VGA.

And I think its ok.

But, I don't have any experience with AMD processor and AMD VGA in one.

Do you have experience with AMG processor and AMD VGA in one PC?