Question Upgrade now or wait around September for 2070S?

Mar 13, 2020
Hi all, I want to upgrade my GPU some time this year but it’s not an immediate concern. I want to maximize my performance for Cyberpunk and for the next generation and I’m worried that coronavirus will exponentially increase prices of graphics cards. Do you all suspect a large price hike or will it remain relatively steady? Should I buy now as a safe bet or just wait? I guess the only reason to wait is that with the 30 series of cards there might be some decrease, but I’m not sure.
Impossible to predict. With Coronavirus who knows if 30 series will be delayed. Sorry but it’s all speculation.

Id just say normal advice is only upgrade when you find your current gpu lacking.
That’s fair, I knew it was kind of a long shot. Maybe I’ll wait til when I initially planned and just hope for the best. Can’t imagine it’d shoot up that much higher, I should hope!