Upgrade or not?, need advice!


Nov 26, 2017
My current rig: i5 2500k (stock) + asus z68-v + 8gb ddr3
Right now my mainboard has a problem & need to be changed, and here where i need some adivce.
My options:

1) Cost ~150$ Buy an old mainboard: MSI Z77A - G43 Gaming or Asrock z68 extreme 7 gen 3 same price, with this option my budget allows me to buy 1 more 2x4gb ddr3 kit.
My rig would be i5 2500k + MSI Z77A - G43 Gaming / Asrock z68 extreme 7 gen 3 + 16gb ddr3

2) Cost ~245$ Sell i5 2500k & get I5 4690K along with an old MSI Z87 Mpower, get 1 more ram kit like option 1.
My rig this time i5 4690K + MSI Z87 Mpower + 16gb ddr3

3) Cost ~406$ Sell my current rig & get I5 7600K + Asrock Z270 Taichi + Gskill Aegis 2x4GB ddr4.

All of these components are old ( ~95-98%) and no warranty.

I'm looking for a gtx 1060 6g or rx480/580 8gb for vga. Most the time i use this rig for playing games & some video editing.

What should i choose?, i'm thinking about option 1, option 2 is almost empty my budget & option 3 is way over it.
Though i can try to purchase option 3 but
++ are option 2 & option 3 worth it? any significant increase in performance over option 1?
++ can option 1 "survive" for the next years to come ( i'm waiting for stable ryzen 2.0) ?


if you get #3 you can skip ryzen entirely and just upgrade to an i7 when the 7600k isnt enough

saving quite a bit of money for a future upgrade down the line

PCPartPicker part list: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/4ccYM8
Price breakdown by merchant: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/4ccYM8/by_merchant/

CPU: Intel - Core i5-8400 2.8GHz 6-Core Processor ($209.89 @ B&H)
Motherboard: MSI - Z370-A PRO ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($101.98 @ Newegg)
Memory: Crucial - 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-2400 Memory ($87.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Total: $399.86
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-01-12 03:42 EST-0500
1) totally waste of money, forget it!
2) still visible but not exactly effective
3) better than 2 but still not close to the best solution
save your money and go directly to Ryzen 5/7 or Intel I5/7 8xxx or whatever available at that time, when you have the money.

For now, just get the GPU first. Save money to get the needed upgrade for the rest (proc, mobo, RAM)
You do not have to sell your complete rig, keep those you can re-use! e.g. HDD, case, drives, etc. This way you save quite a lot.

i5 8400 is impossible to find in my country, even used one 🙁

My mistake for not make it clear, i wont sell the whole rig, i'll want to find the best solution till ryzen 2 release, then my main rig will be based on ryzen 2 platform, and this will be my alternate rig for smaller works. Anyway i'll reconsider it.
Thanks all, any more advice would be helpful.

if you get #3 you can skip ryzen entirely and just upgrade to an i7 when the 7600k isnt enough

saving quite a bit of money for a future upgrade down the line