Upgrade question for gaming


Oct 23, 2017
I have just upgraded my gpu from a 970 strix to a 1080 and i dont seem to be getting that much more than my previous card..in bf1 I get roughly 90fps and battlegrounds varies (with it being unoptimised) but I've seen people with the same gpu as me get more fps (varied)...i did ponder that my cpu might be bottlenecking but here is my set up

I5 6600
2 x 8gb 2133mhz ram
GTX 1080
Asus h170m plus mobo
SanDisk 128gb add
1tb hdd
Antec h600 cpu cooler

I wanted to upgrade to an i7 7700k,will this make a difference from a 6600 (non k) for gaming and improving fps.. I have a 144hz monitor and want to make the most of it and my gtx1080..i have money to upgrade the cpu,but would anyone recommend upgrading the cpu over the ram first or ram first and cpu later?

I had a similar problem when I upgraded to my gtx 950, I found that I didn't plug in all of the power connectors so the gpu ran at half preformance, make sure you have all of these plugged in, also certain games (minecraft specifically) the group clock speed only ran at 700 MHz vs the normal 1400 MHz that it ran on other games, I would suggest getting a program like MSI after burner and try overclocking your GPU's clock speed by 2-300 mhz, this might actually fix this issue, it did with my gtx 950
It depends on the game. For games like battlefield, a new CPU won’t make much of a difference. Because all the CPU is required to do is load the map at the start of the round and send information to the server. What it will do is increase FPS in open world games like Skyrim that require the CPU to process large amounts of data.
Hope this helps :)

I had a similar problem when I upgraded to my gtx 950, I found that I didn't plug in all of the power connectors so the gpu ran at half preformance, make sure you have all of these plugged in, also certain games (minecraft specifically) the group clock speed only ran at 700 MHz vs the normal 1400 MHz that it ran on other games, I would suggest getting a program like MSI after burner and try overclocking your GPU's clock speed by 2-300 mhz, this might actually fix this issue, it did with my gtx 950

That's the nice thing about afterburner, I don't know anything about overclocking but i can just change the clock speed slider up and afterburner will do everything else for me

Just doing bring the slider all the way up, play with it a little, if you go to high then your pc will crash you will have to reboot it