Question Upgrade suggestions


Dec 7, 2017
Heres my build:
i7 6700(Non-K) 3.4GHz
Asus H170 Gaming Mobo
16GB of Ram

my CPU is the oldest thing I have in this build and when I play games I feel it is limiting my GPU a lot, I run wallpaper engine and sometimes it can go up to 100% in usage, I feel like its really bottlenecking my GPU and limiting its performance as I was told that it could bottleneck in 1080p (what I play in) ... And if I need an upgrade what should I get upgraded for cpu. Any suggestions for upgrade? Any suggestion for the cpu?
I would go for CPU. the 1080ti is still a powerful card and ray tracing has been such a let down (performance hits and minimal visual impact IMO) I don't see it as much of a feature.

That being said for a CPU upgrade you'll need a new MB and DDR4 RAM for 8th or 9th Gen intel or if you go with Ryzen.
I would go for CPU. the 1080ti is still a powerful card and ray tracing has been such a let down (performance hits and minimal visual impact IMO) I don't see it as much of a feature.

That being said for a CPU upgrade you'll need a new MB and DDR4 RAM for 8th or 9th Gen intel or if you go with Ryzen.
I have DDR4 Crucial Ram so would you recommend ryzen or intel? And If i were to upgrade to i7 9700K would i need a new mobo?
Yes, the 8th and gen Intels need a new board. Ryzen has the advantage of being cheaper both in CPUS and the Motherboards while offering good performance. Intel still leads with better single thread performance so beats Ryzen in gaming and some optimized applications.

Personally I think the Ryzen 2600X or 2700X offer amazing value (especially with them on sale/rebate) and If I were to upgrade my system I would go with a Ryzen build and put the savings towards a GPU. Now saying that if the 10 to 20 FPS difference betwee then Ryzen and Intel (with it leading) is important to you go with Intel.