Upgraded to a GTX1070, "PXE-E01: PCI Vendor and Device IDs do not match!"

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Jul 3, 2016
My Specs
Alienware Aurora r3
i7 2600k@3.4Ghz (4.5 OC
Gigabyte Windforce GTX 1070
Motherboard 046MHW
16gb DDR3 ram
Chipset: P67 (1155 LGA)
875w PSU
Windows 10 64-bit

I went from a GTX 970 to GTX 1070 on my computer, and everything runs great. Only problem is now when I turn on my computer right after you boot up, I get this error "PXE-E01: PCI Vendor and Device IDs do not Match!, it does not seem to affect my computer at all, it's just annoying seeing that error everytime after booting pass my bios screen before Welcome Windows 10 screen.

I tried to google solutions for this error but nothing to do with my GPU it seems, but once I put my old GTX 970 back in, the error completly goes away. I went ahead and put my new GTX 1070 back in.....and error has returned again. I really hope someone can help me with this, is the new card bad or something?

NIC = Network Interface Card, it's the shorthand for a...
That is a bios error, check to see if there is a new bios for your PC, its likely it needs to be updated to recognise the card

PXE-E01: PCI Vendor and Device IDs do not match!
This message should never be seen in a production BIOS. When the system BIOS initializes a PCI option ROM, it is supposed to pass the PCI bus/device/function numbers in the AX register. If the PCI device defined in the AX register does not match the UNDI device, this error is displayed


same message appears to be popping up on 1080's as well.
I have the latest BIO's from DELL, its A06 bios (released June 2011)
also got the latest drivers for Dell for my computer
-Intel Management Engine Controller (Jan 2011 released)
-Renesas: Intergraded USB 3.0 (Jan 2011)
-Intel Chipset software installation utility (Jan 2011)

so still stuck
According to the intel site its one of their drivers causing error. Problem is I can't find a version of the Intel Management Engine controller for win 10 that matches your CPU. You may have to put up with the error as it might just be the age of your CPU/motherboard that is stopping you from fixing it.
Intel has there Intel management engine controller software labeled confusing. The version that Dell has on website/and has on drivers just for my system but its all the way back from 2011.

Intel Management Engine Controller, v., A01

I have Intel Management Engine Controller (windows automatically updated to it months ago)

what do I need to look to match up to find the newest management engine controller software? the chipset? CPU? Socket?


I uploaded a screenshot of GPU-Z, looks to have Device ID and Sub vendor filled in, correctly I have no clue, Only thing I saw odd is my Board ID is blank under GPU-z


Did he mention what gtx 1070 he has? Is it possible the card is defective and should return to Newegg for another?


Is possible, for EVGA 1080 Founder Edition and yes in Newegg.
I have the same issue:

My Subvendor ID is missing and i have that annoying boot message...
So far i tried to update any drivers, reinstall nvidia drivers, updated mainboard bios and gpu bios, disabled several ethernet options in my mainboard bios and even a bios reset.

My specs:
Asus Strix 1080 OC GPU
Asus Crosshair V Formula Mainboard (AMD Platform)
Since the subvendor is the card maker, I would take it up with them or Nvidia. I don't know exactly who is responsible for this but I can't find anything about it on Nvidia's forum and I would have thought it be more prevalent. Since same GPU can have same behaviour on 4 PC its clear its the cards.

If it were just one maker's cards effected the case would be easier but I have seen it on Asus, EVGA & Gigabyte cards now, so I would go to Nvidia and ask them, they may not be source but they are the only common denominator.

Who writes the bios? I assume its originally Nvidia and might be altered by subvendors for extra features.
Nvidia creates the original bios, but of course do all partners modify them.
I already contacted Asus Support, but all they did was to google the problem and send me some links with possible solutions... So i asked them about the missing subvendor and they basically replied that this can happen...
They offered me to send the card in, but i will keep it because the card itself works just fine.

I have the same problem and i already tried everything...Still waiting and living with it.
PXE is a way to boot from an Ethernet NIC on UEFI motherboards. This error is specific to the BIOS of the motherboard or the Ethernet NIC. You should never see this error in a typical end-user BIOS.

My suggestion, go into the motherboard's BIOS and search for an option to disable "PXE Boot Option"/"PXE Boot ROM"/"PXE Ethernet Boot" or something of that nature. If you have an add-on Ethernet/WiFi NIC try removing it as a simple test.

Thanks for the tip, I just posted in that topic, and noticed one of the people have the same computer as me, Alienware Aurora R3


I do not have wifi card in my computer, have to use Ethernet cord. Network is disabled already in Bios, but I dont see anything about NIC in bios. I have the Alienware A06 bios (Dell) so not sure where it would be located in bios.
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