[SOLVED] Upgrades And bottleneck...

Feb 6, 2019
My pc:
1060 3 gb
Psu:750 watt [dont know the name}
1terabyte 1hdd 223gb ssd
12gb ram DDR3
win 10 pro
I am planning to buy r 5 2600 6c/12t [Is it good?] [Is there better choices for around 100 to 150 euros] And I think my pc NOW bottleneck Because gpu usage is When playing rust 30 Cpu like around 50 Or Less. Pls help I need your HELP.

I'm sorry, but no.

If you are willing to get a new CPU, both the RAM and Mobo will have to be changed.

Just as said above, you can try to get a 'better' CPU than the 8150 that your Mobo can support, but still, it won't make much of a difference since FX series has already ended it lifespan and stronger models, if i'm not mistaken, requires a special motherboard as well...

Sorry man, but with just 150EUR, it won't cut to make a considerable upgrade.

If your PC's main focus is gaming I'd personally go with Intel's CPUs. Any, i really mean it, any new CPU from Intel with destroy your current FX in terms of performance in gaming.

Keep in mind tho, that if you choose to pick a new CPU(either AMD or Intel) you will have to change your Motherboard and RAM as well.

The GTX 1060 3b is good for 1080p gaming, any higher res. and it won't be able to deliver a good performance.

What's your total budget for the upgrade?

My budget is 150euros most Is there a way to not change motherboard and ram pls say yes :{

I'm sorry, but no.

If you are willing to get a new CPU, both the RAM and Mobo will have to be changed.

Just as said above, you can try to get a 'better' CPU than the 8150 that your Mobo can support, but still, it won't make much of a difference since FX series has already ended it lifespan and stronger models, if i'm not mistaken, requires a special motherboard as well...

Sorry man, but with just 150EUR, it won't cut to make a considerable upgrade.
