I was hoping that I could get some suggestions as to how I should go about upgrading a Gateway DX-4840-15 (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883113133) into something suitable for decent quality PC gaming, honestly I'd like to spend as little money as possible so it's why I'd prefer to add in the necessary upgrade components to my existing PC rather than start from absolutely nothing. I'm more of a console gamer but there's at least a few multiplatform games that I'd prefer to play in better graphical quality (1080p) and stable, higher FPS (The Witcher 3, Dark Souls series, etc; playing the any of these above 60fps is overkill for me except the former might be asking a bit too much with what I'm willing to spend).
The options that I'm interested in for a new GPU are between the GTX 670, GTX 760 or R9 290x with me leaning towards the latter, but having been reading about CPU's potentially bottlenecking GPU's I've been wondering whether or not it's possible to just upgrade my i5-650 to an end of the line i7-875k for socket 1156 and being able to play games in reasonably high quality settings without bottlenecking or do I absolutely have to get a new motherboard for a better processor? I already know that I'll need a new power supply regardless of motherboard replacement, but yeah so while I've been reading up on upgrading PC's I'm pretty much new to this and would appreciate any advice on how to make use of what I currently have.
The options that I'm interested in for a new GPU are between the GTX 670, GTX 760 or R9 290x with me leaning towards the latter, but having been reading about CPU's potentially bottlenecking GPU's I've been wondering whether or not it's possible to just upgrade my i5-650 to an end of the line i7-875k for socket 1156 and being able to play games in reasonably high quality settings without bottlenecking or do I absolutely have to get a new motherboard for a better processor? I already know that I'll need a new power supply regardless of motherboard replacement, but yeah so while I've been reading up on upgrading PC's I'm pretty much new to this and would appreciate any advice on how to make use of what I currently have.