Upgrading advice


Dec 11, 2012
Hi, first post here.

I just wanted some advice on whether it's worth upgrading my pc (~4 years old). Current specs are: stock e6750 (2.66ghz), gigabyte p35-ds3l, 2gb ddr2 800, 3850 512mb, 530w 'codegen' psu, 500gb seagate hdd and xp home 32 bit.

1440x900 resolution and have high/very high settings on games like Far Cry 2, World in Conflict, Company of Heroes, E:TW, ARMA II etc. But.. there are some good games coming out next year like ARMA III, Rome 2 and Company of Heroes 2 that my PC won't be able to handle very well.

My options are either upgrade in the next few weeks (probably after Christmas) or just get a new computer later down the line (could be 6 months - year), but then I won't be able to play those games on good settings..

If I upgrade I'm thinking these parts:

GTX 650 ti
Windows 7 64bit
4GB DDR2 (to replace, not make 6GB, I think there are some compability issues with the type of mobo I have)
And maybe a SSD

I'd also think about overclocking too, maybe pushing it up to 3.0ghz as I've heard that's quite easy for e6750 on stock cooler.

One other question, can my psu run a 650ti? It's 530w and only +12v 18a but it can run my 3850 fine and according to this: http://forum-en.msi.com/faq/article/power-requirements-for-graphics-cards

A 650ti requires less power than a 3850. 20A 400W compared to 28A 450W.

Sorry of it's a bit long winded and thanks for help in advance.
Well,I have a core 2 duo running fine,but new titles are a pain. And I'm at 720p,though I have a 7750.
I wouldn't get the 650ti,total waste. Get the 7750 like me,or the suggested 7770,which are better budget cards.
I totally agree with maxing the ram,the others can wait.
So my advice,
hd 7770 + 4gb ram. XP is still fine,you can put 8 on your next PC. Same for the ssd.
The codegen ps is marginal for any overclocking; I wouldn't do it with the 650ti installed. Look for the ram used on craigslist if you have it. 4 gb kits can go for around $30-40. If you give us a firm budget, you might be able to swing a new board/cpu/ram now if you sell your old board/cpu/ram for $100 or so to add to your budget. I would save the ssd for third place, and windows 64 bit for last place on your upgrade priorities. Also check craigslist for an unopened copy of 7; some go for as little as $50-60.

Yeah I definitely agree with this. It's better to get an entirely new PC than to keep trying to revive an old one. And the 650TI is not that good. The Radeon 7770 is far better for less money.

I wouldn't say it's dying though..

When it gets to that point where it is more expensive or really close in price to a new PC to upgrade the old one, the new PC is the best route.
Sorry about that,not the best choice of metaphor yah? I hope you follow though. A core 2 quad,expensive. DDR 2 ram, expensive if brand new,and your graphics card needs replacing for those games you listed . Like 01die said,a CPU,ram,board combo is the way to go,and that's a new PC essentially.
You can get the ram and push days as you save. overclocking is risky with that psu though,so preserver abit and get something that does what you want.

I would have to wait a long time for a new PC. But spending about $300 to upgrade (compared ~$1000 for new build) for 80% the same thing seems ok, but you don't recommend that at all? Even forget about overclocking and SSD. I don't think any of the parts will die anytime soon and have a quite few more years life left (not that I would wait that long before getting a new PC).

4gb ram
7 home 64 bit
650 ti

I think that would allow me to run a lot of games to a very acceptable (@1440x900) level imo compared to my current setup.
Well,I have a core 2 duo running fine,but new titles are a pain. And I'm at 720p,though I have a 7750.
I wouldn't get the 650ti,total waste. Get the 7750 like me,or the suggested 7770,which are better budget cards.
I totally agree with maxing the ram,the others can wait.
So my advice,
hd 7770 + 4gb ram. XP is still fine,you can put 8 on your next PC. Same for the ssd.