Question Upgrading Asus CG8350 on sub $150 budget

Nov 26, 2020

I am in need of some help. My trusty old desktop is starting to show its age. I put a SSD in it last year and that sped it up, but it is still a bit laggy when I use fusion 360, and I would would potentially like to try some newer games such as star wars squadrons. I most likely will buy a new desktop in a year or two, but was looking to see what I could do in the mean time to upgrade my current desktop on a budget. It is kind of old (I got it in 2011) and I am unsure what options I can even put into my computer. I see all these different PCI numbers and reading about backwards compatibility and such, but I don't understand what I currently have (I did try googling it, but I could only find the specs of the tower, not the board). Can you help me out by telling me what PCI graphics card options I have with a Asus CG8350 board? and if you know of a budget graphics card sub $150 that would work, can you let me know? I have seen the post: but I was wondering if there were any other options that came around since this was discussed 6 years ago.


I put my specs from a posted forum template below

APPROXIMATE PURCHASE DATE: (e.g.: this week during black friday/cybermonday sales)

BUDGET RANGE: under $150 (the lower the better, I probably will get a new desktop in a year or two, so don't want to invest too much in this one.)

USAGE FROM MOST TO LEAST IMPORTANT: (Fusion 360, star wars squadrons( min gpu spec: GeForce GTX 660 or radeon HD 7850 or Equivalent ), it would be nice if it could do VR with low graphic settings if possible)

CURRENT GPU AND POWER SUPPLY: (Geforce GTX 530 and I think a 350W PSU - I was not sure what it was. most likely I think I will need to upgrade this too)

Board: Asus CG8350.

CPU: i7-2600 CPU @3.4 GHz

Memory: 8GB DDr3 dual channel. I think I have 4 cards of 2GB.

PCI slot: ????? I am unsure. I could not figure out how to determine this. looking at the board I see words like PCI2 and PCIEX16_2. But do not understand the meaning. I tried to find some manual or specs on the board, but could not find it. when using CPU-Z under the graphics interface tab it says - Version: PCI-Express Link Width: x16 Max. Supported x16

Computer tower model: ASUS Essentio CG8350

PREFERRED WEBSITE(S) FOR PARTS: (newegg, bestbuy, but open to other options) COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: (usa)

(I am open to whatever works - but is it true that if you have an intel processor it is better to have a nvidia graphics card?)

OVERCLOCKING: I dont.... should I be looking into this?

SLI OR CROSSFIRE: crossfire comes up when I was doing research on the board I have, but I do not think I fully understand it. I am able to use two graphics cards? On the board it has the words "cross fire ready"


ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: (whatever is the best graphics option under $150 that works with my old board is great.)

I did a little more research and now I have the following questions:

1.) if a gpu is PCI Express 3.0, it still will work in a PCI express 2.0 slot right?
2.) If I have an intel processor, is it okay if I have an AMD gpu (I had heard in the past that if you have an intel processor you should stick with nvidia)
3.) Does the 4GB version vs the 8GB version of the radeon make a big difference? or since I am running an old intel i7-2600 (2011) I will be contrained in some way that the 8GB would not benefit me?
4.) does the brand of the gpu make that much of a difference (Asus vs MSI?)

Thanks for your time!

Below is the information that I have found:


After a little more research I believe I found some more information on my board:

It says it has PCI Express 2.0 x16

From what I understand, if a gpu is PCI Express 3.0, it still will work in a PCI express 2.0 slot right?

so right now I am looking at a

Nvidia 1050 ti 4 GB

AMD radeon 570 4gb 570-_-9SIAMY5B977602-_-Product

AMD radieon 570 8gb
MSI 570-_-14-137-256-_-Product&quicklink=true
Asus 570-_-14-126-427-_-Product