Upgrading computer for better graphics


Mar 15, 2014
Hello I'm wanting to upgrade my pc so I can play all my games maxed out or to further future proof it for the newer games that come out. I'm having trouble figuring out which parts are compatible with each other so I was hoping someone could help me. This is what I have.

Cpu: AMD FX 6300 3.50GHz C6 AM3+ RET2
Gpu: GeForce GTX770 2GD5 X16 2DVI HDMI DSP
Motherboard: Gigabyte AM3+ V X16 4D3 M32 GL R MATX
Ram: 8GB DDR3-1600 PC3-12800 Memory
Psu: 750W PSU
Hdd/Ssd: 1TB 3.5 SATA3 7200RPM 32MB Cache

What would you recommend to upgrade first? I'm trying to get the best possible graphics I can on any game I play. Not sure if it matters but I don't play any games online. Also what would be the best possible graphics card I could get that is not a Titan? Sorry if some of these questions are silly, a lot of this just goes over my head. Thank you for your help.
I may have stumbled across the motherboard model number; GA-78LMT. If that's correct, it's a very basic motherboard with an old chipset and I'd look at replacing it.

My recommendation would be to buy a lower-spec GPU and spend the money you'd save on a better motherboard. Bear in mind that if you replace the motherboard you may need to buy another coy of Windows, assuming that's the OS you use. That said, you could wait for Windows 10 to be released, install the new motherboard and then upgrade to Windows 10. The upgrade will be free to anyone with a valid Windows 7, 8 or 8.1 license. The upgrade will also be OEM, meaning that the license is tied to the motherboard, hence why it's important to change that first.

As far as the GPU...

Oh okay so my graphics card is good then? I was wanting to get The Witcher 3 soon and was worried I might get lag.
The GTX 770 is still a very good card; I have one myself.

The Witcher 3 seems to be a pretty demanding game, but you should wait for it to be released before you even consider upgrading your GPU. If you find that the game lags then you probably need to disable Ubersampling, which hammers the frame rate in The Witcher 2.
Okay I will wait to upgrade my GPU. What about my CPU? Will it be able to handle the Witcher 3? In the future I was thinking about upgrading my GPU to a gtx 980 and my CPU to a AMD FX 8370. I'm hoping these would be compatible with my motherboard. Thank you all for your help. My husband bought me a pre built pc from a website called cybertronpc. I fell in love with pc gaming so I'm trying to learn more about the parts.
Your processor essentially sits in-between the minimum and recommended requirements, so it should be fine, but take that with a pinch of salt as the game hasn't been benchmarked yet.

Unfortunately, the information about your motherboard doesn't include a model number, so if you can establish that we can establish if an 8370 will be compatible. It will also tell us whether or not a GTX 980 will be bottlenecked.
I may have stumbled across the motherboard model number; GA-78LMT. If that's correct, it's a very basic motherboard with an old chipset and I'd look at replacing it.

My recommendation would be to buy a lower-spec GPU and spend the money you'd save on a better motherboard. Bear in mind that if you replace the motherboard you may need to buy another coy of Windows, assuming that's the OS you use. That said, you could wait for Windows 10 to be released, install the new motherboard and then upgrade to Windows 10. The upgrade will be free to anyone with a valid Windows 7, 8 or 8.1 license. The upgrade will also be OEM, meaning that the license is tied to the motherboard, hence why it's important to change that first.

As far as the GPU goes, a GTX 970 gives you more bang-for-your-buck than a GTX 980, and AMD are releasing some of their new 300 series GPUs later this year. Personally, I'd wait and see what AMD bring to the table before upgrading, which you shouldn't have to do.