Upgrading CPU or Graphics Card?


May 22, 2016
Hi All,

before i ask here are my current RIG set up

Pentium G4560 + GTX 1050 OC + 8GB DDR4

I'm actually pretty satisfied with the current set up i have, it can actually runs most demanding AAA games even with low setting compensations.

But as a casual gamer who only runs 768p 60Hz monitor, a 60FPS 768p gaming will be just fine for me.

Soo.., i'm kinda planning to do some incremental upgrades, but given my budget it will only allow me to pick between CPU or the Graphic Cards.

I'm asking your opinions here whether i go for i3-7100 or GTX 1050 ti ?

Thanks in advance!

Upgrade from G4560 to i3-7100 is kinda pointless. They both are 2core/4thread cpus. Main difference being frequency increase by 11%.
Not worth it.
Minimum upgrade even worth to consider would be i5-7400.

And performance upgrade from GTX 1050 to GTX 1050 ti also is rather small. Also not worth it. Consider at least GTX 1060.
Hey Diceflix, good you are asking before deciding 😉

So first of all, i go over the parts that you already have. then i go to the opportunities you want and how much it will impact.

First, your CPU: Pentium G4560. it is a good cpu for most of the parts, but lacks in multitasking work. In gaming that is not a big deal, but for big games it could be a problem (could). if you are a gamer that is doing multiple things while gaming, like talking with your buds on discord, watching youtube video's or doing video recording while gaming. then a upgrade to a better CPU is a better bet.

Secondly, Your GPU: GTX 1050 OC. it is a GREAT card. very good in gaming for most games around the release of 2016, but looks like a cheap version for the high end GPU's like the GTX 1070's or even RTX 2080's, but that is not important. Upgrading from an GTX 1050 OC to and GTX 1050 ti, is like buying the same thing, but having a better name. the performance boost compared to your cpu is almost nothing. so if you really want to boost your fps in games, search higher to an gtx 1060 or 1070 if you are willing to pay that little bit more.

Not a really big deal but still, Thirdly: Your RAM: 8GB DDR4, Nothing wrong with it, good amount. no need for upgrade, unless you want a lot of multiple things open at once. Don't go higher than 16GB, as that is considered: Overkill

Conclusion: Upgrading to an better CPU might be a better options than upgrading to an better GPU, as you are now on a budget and don't have the extra cash for an better one. Keep in mind that the CPU's of Intel has and are increasing in price, so AMD might be a option for you. i would recommend a I5 8300. you pay a little bit more, but the value over performance compared to upgrading to an I3-7100 is big.

Hope you find this helpfull 😀
There is no such thing as i5-8300. It is i3-8300. And motherboard supporting G4560 will not support i3-8300. Motherboard change will be necessary.


I know, That's why it's just an incremental upgrade, because by upgrading to either i3 7100 or GTX 1050 ti, the FPS gain will be quite significant base on the benchmark test. I'm marking the GTX 1060 as well but then it means i'm not upgrading the G4560 and i'm afraid of huge bottlenecking with this pair.

in my country i5 7400 have similar price with GTX 1060 3GB base model, if i found either of them with lower price, then definitely i will go between them rather i3 7100 or GTX 1050 ti :)


Dude, thanks for your insightful opinion :)

For CPU yeah, i'm not a multitasking person, my PC solely build for Gaming, and just casual gaming so dual core/4threads CPU are still more than enough for me.

As for GPU, i was first planninng the 1060 but afraid of bottlenecking if i pair it with G4560. what do you think?

Furthermore, i'm excluding any upgrades which will cost me a Mobo upgrades to avoid the hassle of reinstalling my OS, so definitely Coffelake series CPU is not on my plan.

My main current problem is in some demanding games with high settings such as Ghost Recon: Wildlands, my CPU almost always hits 100% usage (FPS at 50). i want to minimalize this bottleneck so i guess your opinion on CPU upgrades is right...