i download a compatibility check off of microsoft.com and it says that win 8 isn't compatible with my system's safe boot or my firmware. i dont exactly know what this means. Just want to know if i need to replace something in my hardware or something before i upgrade or not. Someone help me out. my system specs are as followed just in case needed.
Kuhler h20 closed loop liquid cooler
Asrock icafe 770 (upgrading in 1month)
Radeon HD7770(upgrading next month to 7970 xfx)
Corsair 750w
8G of ram 4x2
basic toshiba CD rom 20 dollar one
1 160g WD blue
1 500g Hitachi Deskstar
Kuhler h20 closed loop liquid cooler
Asrock icafe 770 (upgrading in 1month)
Radeon HD7770(upgrading next month to 7970 xfx)
Corsair 750w
8G of ram 4x2
basic toshiba CD rom 20 dollar one
1 160g WD blue
1 500g Hitachi Deskstar