Upgrading Graphics


May 6, 2009
Good morning all. I'm currently trying to decide if I should upgrade my graphics card and if so to what. Here is my system right now:

ASUS P5N-E SLI Motherboard
Core 2 Duo E6600
2 GB OCZ Ram
GeForce 8800 GTS 320

Would it be worthwhile to updgrade my card or should I just hold off right now and wait until I upgrade the whole system?
What resoloution is your monitor and do you intend to upgrade it soon? What is your PSU? Brand, model and amps on the 12v rail/s.
The system you have is ok for now (same CPU+RAM as mine) but it can use a more potent video card. If you are playing at or below 16x12 then the HD4870 or GTX260 both offer great performance for fairly limited outlay but both need strong power supplies to run.
FYI I'm holding on to my setup until about this time next year by which time the new DX11 hardware and Windows7 should have stable drivers and most of the bugs sorted out.