[SOLVED] Upgrading my i5-9600k ?


Mar 27, 2019
I want to upgrade my CPU, i am trying to decide between an i5-12600k and the Ryzen 7 5700X 'cos I'm getting mixed info on which is better for gaming. I am currently gaming on 1080p at 240hz.

Current PC build:
AMD RX 5700xt XFX
Corsair H100i Pro Xt water cooler
i5-9600k @4.9GHZ
MSI Z390 Pro

Any other CPU recommendations will also be appreciated thanks!
Here is a review of the i5-12600K:
generally, it does better than ryzen 5000.

I would pay a small premium for the non F version.
If you should ever have a graphics issue, the integrated graphics is a lifesaver.

If you want to overclock, you will need a Z690 based motherboard.
B660 is otherwise similar.
As a practical matter, gamers will rely on the turbo mechanism that can boos a couple of cores past what an all core overclock can do.

Your ram is perfect; DDR4 works as well as DDR5 and is cheaper.
Ryzen is particular about ram.
If you go ryzen, check compatibility with the proposed motherboard.
Are you aware that for these upgrades you will need to change the mainboard?

Then the cheapest solution will be buying a 9700K or 9900K. And for 12600K, changing the RAM is also recommended (not mandatory).

Buy a 9700K, and if it is cheaper even 9900 or 9900K you will not regret.
Are you aware that for these upgrades you will need to change the mainboard?

Then the cheapest solution will be buying a 9700K or 9900K. And for 12600K, changing the RAM is also recommended (not mandatory).

Buy a 9700K, and if it is cheaper even 9900 or 9900K you will not regret.
unfortunately it will cost me around the same price even if i go buy the 9900k because no one stocks them and those who do want insane prices for them.
I want to upgrade my CPU, i am trying to decide between an i5-12600k and the Ryzen 7 5700X 'cos I'm getting mixed info on which is better for gaming. I am currently gaming on 1080p at 240hz.

Current PC build:
AMD RX 5700xt XFX
Corsair H100i Pro Xt water cooler
i5-9600k @4.9GHZ
MSI Z390 Pro

Any other CPU recommendations will also be appreciated thanks!
i recently got the 12600k its very good you won't need more than that for gaming and i recommend you choose a MB with at least 16 power phases so you can run the cpu efficiently
Here is a review of the i5-12600K:
generally, it does better than ryzen 5000.

I would pay a small premium for the non F version.
If you should ever have a graphics issue, the integrated graphics is a lifesaver.

If you want to overclock, you will need a Z690 based motherboard.
B660 is otherwise similar.
As a practical matter, gamers will rely on the turbo mechanism that can boos a couple of cores past what an all core overclock can do.

Your ram is perfect; DDR4 works as well as DDR5 and is cheaper.
Ryzen is particular about ram.
If you go ryzen, check compatibility with the proposed motherboard.
A 12600k is a good chip, but I am going to be honest with you, overclocking is a waste of time, these days. I would go with an i7 12700, and a good B660 board. Long term, those extra cores will benefit you more, than what little clock speed bump, that you can get from an overclock.

PCPartPicker Part List

CPU: Intel Core i7-12700 2.1 GHz 12-Core Processor ($342.98 @ Newegg)
Motherboard: Gigabyte B660 GAMING X AX DDR4 ATX LGA1700 Motherboard ($169.99 @ Amazon)
Total: $512.97
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2022-08-01 11:52 EDT-0400