Upgrading My Old Card


Jan 8, 2016
Hey all.

So im looking to upgrade my current gtx 960 4gb to something in the new 10 series. I think the 1060 is a good choice (money wise), but if it would be worth it, the 1070 and 80 are also in that mix. I'm asking for your opinion on what I should get, because it is a ~$100 difference between each version. Keep in mind I am like most others in the world, where money is not infinite, and I do have a limit somewhat, but rules can bend if they have to.

So overall, should i get the 1060 for the cheap price and performance, or spend extra on a 1070 or 1080?
The 1060 demolishes 1080p. The 1070 stomps on 1080p and tackles 1440p. If you want good performance at 1080p with a good price ratio then go for the 1060. If you have the money then a 1070 is the way to go especially if you want to go to 1440p sometime.


Oct 8, 2015
buy the one you can afford realistically. get the 1070 if you can afford it. get the 1080 if you can afford it. we can't tell YOU what YOU can afford.

do you want good performance? better performance? or best performance?

what resolution are you playing games at?

do you like to have graphics settings maxed out? or can you make compromises?

those are the questions


If you you're willing to bend the rules then go for a 1070. You have more options for gaming at at 1440p and light 4K gaming. It will also be relevant for a longer period of time. The 1060 is a great card, don't get me wrong, and you would love it if you got it. But, if the 1060 and 1070 are within your reach then choose the better of the two. If you have a very limited budget, the 1060 will hold up at 1080p max settings and even play pretty well at 1440p.


Oct 8, 2015

yep arguing with a smart person is futile


Jan 8, 2016

I mean, obviously I want the best performance possible. Who doesn't.
I only game at 1080p because i feel nothing more is needed on my 1080p monitor.
Also, I tend to go for 60 fps with no frame stutter. Therefor, I play games on the highest quality I can get with stable 60 frames.

Right now, I can afford both the 1060 and 70. But in value vs performance in 1080p, would the 60 be a better deal?
As much as I would love to have the 1080, It will be a weeks time from tomorrow untill the 1080 is in question. But as you said with your whole bank account and credit score quote (cheers, that made me laugh) it does make sense.


Jan 8, 2016

I'm sticking at 1080p for the moments time, and 1440p will come in the future. I am not quite sure when I will switch but i sure will some day.


The 1060 demolishes 1080p. The 1070 stomps on 1080p and tackles 1440p. If you want good performance at 1080p with a good price ratio then go for the 1060. If you have the money then a 1070 is the way to go especially if you want to go to 1440p sometime.